change Data from column b into row based on value in column a



I have a list in excel with suppliers in column A (over 1000 rows) and
details about that supplier in column B. however, for some of the suppliers
there are multiple lines because there are multiple details. How do I change
the multiple rows into one row per supplier with the details spread out from
Column B on?

Ex. Current Setup
Supplier Detail
A 1
A 2
A 3

Needed Setup
Supplier Detail
A 1 2 3


Assume current set up is in Sheet1 cols A and B, data from row2 down

In Sheet1,
List the suppliers in D1 across, eg; A, B, C, etc
Place this in D2: =IF($A2="","",IF($A2=D$1,ROW(),""))
Copy D2 across/fill down to cover the extent of source data

Then in another sheet,
Put in A2
Copy A2 down as far as required to "transpose" list the suppliers from
Sheet1's D1:IV1

Put in B2
Copy B2 across as far as required, then fill down to the extent done in col
A. This will return the exact results that you seek.

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