Change color of radio button caption if selected



I would like the caption font color of a radio button in a group to change
from black to red when selected.
Is that possible and HOW?


One way is to put the code below behind the OptionButton. It uses
OptionButton1 but you can change it to suit you needs.

Private Sub OptionButton1_GotFocus()
OptionButton1.ForeColor = vbRed
End Sub
Private Sub OptionButton1_LostFocus()
OptionButton1.ForeColor = vbBlack
End Sub

When the control is clicked the font and radio dial area will turn red. When
something else takes focus, the font and radio dial will turn black. Since
you didn't mention where the control is located, sheet or form, I assume it
is from the control tool box. If not, this code is useless. To access the
code window, enter design mode and either double click the OptionButton for
direct access or right click it and then click View Code in the pop up menu.
Paste the above code into the code window.


Yes, I am using the control too box. The code does change the font to red
but only until I click someplace else on the spreadsheet. The the NO
caption changes back to black. I might not have been clear enough on my

I have 3 radio buttons - YES, NO, and N/A. They are in a group title
Elect. If the NO button is selected I want the font to change from black
to red and stay that way unless the YES or N/A button in that group is
slected. The other buttons should stay never change font colors.

Right now the NO caption stays red utill I click some place else on the
spreadsheet. Then it changes back to black.
Thanks, HH


Anyone there?

HH said:
Yes, I am using the control too box. The code does change the font to red
but only until I click someplace else on the spreadsheet. The the NO
caption changes back to black. I might not have been clear enough on my

I have 3 radio buttons - YES, NO, and N/A. They are in a group title
Elect. If the NO button is selected I want the font to change from
black to red and stay that way unless the YES or N/A button in that group
is slected. The other buttons should stay never change font colors.

Right now the NO caption stays red utill I click some place else on the
spreadsheet. Then it changes back to black.
Thanks, HH

Peter T

Try this

Private Sub OptionButton1_Change()

With OptionButton1
If .Value Then
.ForeColor = vbRed ' or RGB(255, 0, 0)
.ForeColor = vbWindowText ' or RGB(0,0,0)
End If
End With

End Sub

and similar for the other two option buttons

Peter T

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