Change case of text



Is there a 'change case' shortcut found in Excel, similar to the one found in
Office Word - under format?

Bob Phillips

No, that is a word-processor function. In Excel you would have to create it.
I have a UDF that does sentence case. I am sure it could easily be adapted
to act like Word's F3

Public Function SentenceCase(ByVal para As String) As String
Dim oRegExp As Object
Dim oMatch As Object
Dim oMatches As Object

para = LCase(para)
Set oRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
oRegExp.Pattern = "^[a-z]|\.( )*[a-z]"
oRegExp.Global = True
Set oMatches = oRegExp.Execute(para)
For Each oMatch In oMatches
With oMatch
Mid(para, .FirstIndex + 1 + .Length - 1, 1) = _
UCase(Mid(para, .FirstIndex + 1 + .Length - 1, 1))
End With
Next oMatch
SentenceCase = para
End Function



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