Cellphones Specially For Hearing Impaired

are senior citizens particularly with hearing impairment satisfied with the cellphone?

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Sep 20, 2009
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I am dissatisfied with cellphones particularly in my country India. All cellphones appear to be catering to the need of young people especially for music, internet, social forums etc. These cellphone guys ignore one set -senior citizens particularly those who have hearing impairment (I am one of them moderately impaired). I am not able to talk to my son in USA. His voice volume is very low and sometimes garbled. My phone is Nokia asha 210. I know of some special phones (e.g. Dora 626) in UK , not available in India. It is high time this sector of citizens must be taken care of by cellphone technicians and manufacturers. Special phones which concentrate on high speaker volume, ring volume,, mic volume. may be manufactured. Senior citizens can have one phone for talking and another for other items.
Motorola makes great phones for hearing impaired. Please check them in your market.

For the absolute best cellphones for the hearing impaired, you might want to go with those labelled M4/T4, however some of the top smartphones in the market right now only support M3/T4 or M4/T3.

I am in the USA so not sure what is exactly available in your market but hope the bit of info I provided will help you to at least start your search.

Please check the link provided for more info
thanks for great response. unfortunately in India specs information on M4/T4 is not revealed either in sellers web not even in manufacturer's web. if you suggest a phone available in USA I can ask my son to get for me when he visits India next. thank your once again.

I do not use hearing aid as I am not comfortable with hearing aid. so phone need not be compatible with hearing aid but must have high speaker vollume, mic volume and ring volume. thanks
Sony Experia XA Ultra is the loudest phone I could check while researching for you. The speaker volume by far is the loudest at 79dB. All other phones currently available in the US are lower in terms of loudness. In case you do not want this than your next best option would be Motorola G4 which is 73 dB loudness on the speakers. Most high end phones including the iPhone and Samsung offer anywhere between 69dB and 72dB

Just for your information the loudness levels are doubled at every 3 dB increase, for instance a phone with a 73 dB loudness would be twice as loud compared to a phone which is 70 dB.
Senior citizens can have one phone for talking and another for other items.

Surely, a phone must exist that will cover both. I can't imagine that you would ever need two phones. The info from Quad looks very helpful. :)
QUADOPHILE. I am extremely thankful to you for not only giving me a suggestion for a cell phone and also explaining to me (have no knowledge of acoustics) the effect of volume in dB. This is available in India and shall definitely check this. I greatly appreciate your help/
QUADOPHILE. I am extremely thankful to you for not only giving me a suggestion for a cell phone and also explaining to me (have no knowledge of acoustics) the effect of volume in dB. This is available in India and shall definitely check this. I greatly appreciate your help/

You are very welcome. I hope all works out for you. Let me know once you get the phone and how it worked out for you by coming back to this thread and sharing your experience. :thumb:
QUADOPHILE when I discussed with my son I got one or two doubts.
there are 2 ways of talking on cellphone. 1) by keeping the phone at your ear and talk. 2) by hitting loudspeaker button and talk hands free. (I have not tried this because i thought I may not hear properly). when I speak about speaker volume do I mean that voice when phone is near the ear or when phone is in loudspeaker mode.I tried to see the specs in this page
and tried to understand the technical terms like
Loudspeaker Voice 88dB / Noise 79dB / Ring 82dB
Audio quality Noise -92.9dB / Crosstalk -92.5dB
can you please explain little more on these numbers. sorry for trying to learn cell phone acoustics in few lessons.

I have no handicap visually . I am 91 years old and fairly technically savvy using computer. My only bugbear is talking on phone. Of course I do not go out unless accompanied by a younger person. thank you for your helpful attitude