Cell Value dependent upon the same cells value in another workbook



Hi There -

I have two Excel workbooks where one is supposed to be the "source" for
information in another which we will call "target". I would like to be able
to say if the value of the cell is blank in the source it will show up in the
target as N for no and if there is a value in the source cell the
corresponding target cell displays a Y for yes.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Many thanks!


You'll have to replace "Source" with the correct path and name to your
actual "source" WB:


JE McGimpsey

One way:

In the target:

A1: =IF([Source.xls]Sheet1!A1="","N","Y")

Copy as needed.


Thanks for the reply.

I am basically trying to do and "IF" statement it seems. So from your IF
statement how does it know to return N if the cell is blank otherwise return
Y if there is a value? Does "" indicate a blank?


Sorry for so many questions...

I entered the following in the desired cell in the target workbook:

=(WM Mapping!B2=""."N","Y")

Where WM Mapping is the name of the source workbook and B2 references the
cell in that workbook. As soon as I click on the green check I receive an
error message stating the the formula contains an error. Any idea's?


Let XL create the proper path for you.

Open *both* WBs.

Click in the target cell of the target WB and enter an equal sign ( = ).

Navigate to, and click in, the source cell of the source WB, and then hit

This places a link formula in the target cell, with the proper path.

NOW, just build your IF() formula *around* the path that XL made for you in
that target cell.


Hey...I got it to work!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This what the end result looks like:


Ok, so this is just for one cell in the target workbook column. How do I
get this logic to apply to the entire column based on the entire column of
the source workbook?


You just copy the formula down the column.
XL will *automatically* increment B2 to B3 to B4 ... etc.

Select the cell containing the formula.
Notice a small black square in the lower right corner.
Hover the cursor over that tiny black square in the lower right corner of
that selected cell until the cursor changes from a fat white cross to a
skinny black cross.

Then click, and drag down as far as needed, to copy the formula down the


Perfect!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

Ragdyer said:
You just copy the formula down the column.
XL will *automatically* increment B2 to B3 to B4 ... etc.

Select the cell containing the formula.
Notice a small black square in the lower right corner.
Hover the cursor over that tiny black square in the lower right corner of
that selected cell until the cursor changes from a fat white cross to a
skinny black cross.

Then click, and drag down as far as needed, to copy the formula down the

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