Cell Update




I am trying to put together a worksheet where the user would enter the date
in Cell A1 - format of 01/01/07 and cell A2 returns the day of the week

This is fine - what I need to do now is check that A2 = "Mon" and A3 = "Demo"
then change the font colour. I can do the if statement, however am unable
to workout how I can detect when cell A2 is updated.

Thanks in advance for any help.



This should do the trick. Just put this code in the sheet module ie
Sheet1. It colours A1 in Red if the cell changes and Cells A2 and A3
= Mon and Demo respectively. Adjust colours and values to suit.

Take care


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$1" Then
If Range("A2").Value = "Mon" And Range("A3").Value = "Demo" Then
Range("A1").Font.ColorIndex = 3
End If
End If

End Sub

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