Cell Referencing



I'm having a slight problem with referencing to a cell.

One cell is a simple SUM formula, which returns a number. Is there any way that I can somehow make the returned number from this cell to the row number in a cell reference in a formula for another cell?

For instance, say for F10, I have =SUM(some range). In H10, I want to put in a formula that says =G(F10) + 5, where F10 would correspond to the value returned by the sum, making that the row number in the G column.

Thank you for any help

Andy B


Yes you can!! Try something like this:
You were pretty close, really!


SLynn said:
I'm having a slight problem with referencing to a cell.

One cell is a simple SUM formula, which returns a number. Is there any
way that I can somehow make the returned number from this cell to the row
number in a cell reference in a formula for another cell?
For instance, say for F10, I have =SUM(some range). In H10, I want to put
in a formula that says =G(F10) + 5, where F10 would correspond to the value
returned by the sum, making that the row number in the G column.

David McRitchie

I can't follow the first paragraph at all, but I think the second paragraph
works. This differs slightly from your other answer, but you'll
be able to identify quickly which is what you wanted.

F10: =SUM(B2:F2)
H10: =G(F10) + 5 -- shorthand version

H10: =INDIRECT("G"&F10) + 5

SLynn said:
I'm having a slight problem with referencing to a cell.

One cell is a simple SUM formula, which returns a number. Is there any way that I can somehow make the returned number from this
cell to the row number in a cell reference in a formula for another cell?
For instance, say for F10, I have =SUM(some range). In H10, I want to put in a formula that says =G(F10) + 5, where F10 would
correspond to the value returned by the sum, making that the row number in the G column.

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