Cell locations



Hi All....
I would like to enter a cell's location (say A1) and then based on that data
creat a way to pull info from a cell 1, 2, 3... etc. cells to the right.
Example target cell is A1 and I want value from A2 without just entering =A2.
Reason for this is I need the value from 150 different cell but only 30 at a

Flick Olmsford

What info would be in A1 and how would that relate to cells A1, A2, ... (i.e.
what in cell A1 indicates columns 1 or 2 or 3 or ...?


In that cell I would like to place another cell location, for example in A1 I
would type "D4". Then from there I could ask excel to look 2 column left and
3 rows down or any location on the spreadsheet.

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