Cell Formula Help



I have 5 employees.
How would you write this formula to calculate time and 1/2 over 40 hrs. in a
single week if even over 40hrs for the week and then calcuate the same for
the second week then figure the single day also.

B5 to H5 is 1 week, I5 to O5 is 2nd week, P5 is a single day. S5 = total
hours. T5 is Gross Pay = total hours x 8 an hr.


Hi Myrna!

It depends on how you pay overtime and what you mean
by "then figure the single day also".

Do you pay OT only after an employee has worked 40 hrs?
Or, do you pay OT after an employee has worked 8 hrs a day?
What if an employee works 12 hrs on Monday and then calls
off on Tuesday?

You say that P5 is a single day. I have no idea what that

Your basic setup should include a cell to calculate
regular hours and then another cell should calculate OT



something like

assuming a1 = hourly rate=8/hr


B5 to H5 is 1 week, I5 to O5 is 2nd week, P5 is a single day. S5
hours. T5 is Gross Pay = total hours x 8 an h


My table includes a row from B5 through P5.
This is 15 days or cells.
I pay overtime within a calendar week of Mon through Sun only (7 days).
If they exceed 40 hours within 7 cells of the 15 cells.
How do I calculate the formula for the whole 15 arrangement.

Biff said:
Hi Myrna!

It depends on how you pay overtime and what you mean
by "then figure the single day also".

Do you pay OT only after an employee has worked 40 hrs?
Or, do you pay OT after an employee has worked 8 hrs a day?
What if an employee works 12 hrs on Monday and then calls
off on Tuesday?

You say that P5 is a single day. I have no idea what that

Your basic setup should include a cell to calculate
regular hours and then another cell should calculate OT



I inserted this formula T5 cell.
Made A1 = 8
So I inserted 6 into B5 all the way to P5.
The formula is giving me a different figure than I should have.


This worked great but my delima is.

B5 to H5 = 7 days
I5 to O5 = 7 days
S5 = 1 day
T5 is hourly rate $8

If my worker works 49 hours the first 7 days. He will be paid overtime
for this.
If my worker works 15 hours the 2nd 7 days. There is no overtime
And the final day 1 hour. There is no overtime.

Notice the total hours add up to 65 hours. I made a mistake on how to
reference the delima in my last post.

Need to calculate the formula in a different way.


Hi Myrna!

I've got to be perfectly honest with you and say that this
method makes absolutely no sense to me.(and I've been
doing this sort of thing for years). The formulas and the
math needed are easy but I'm having a hard time with the

I think your "delima" would be lessened considerably if
you used intermediate cells between weeks to calculate the
individual weekly totals.

How does this 1 day cell figure into the calculation of

If your employee works 40 hrs in both wk1 and wk2 and 8
hrs on this 1 extra day, is that 1 extra day OT?

If your employee works 44 in wk1 and 48 hrs in wk2 and 6
hrs on this 1 extra day, how is that paid?

I don't understand this 1 day cell!

Need a more detailed explanation.



That is exactly what I did. Created a seperate cell to add up the hours for
the first 7 days in Nov. and a second cell for the next 7 days. This is a
semi-monthly time sheet. So the next sheet covers the dates between 16-31st.

I have designed 2 spreadsheets for a Semi-monthly time schedule
1st = 11/1 to 11/15 are the dates
2nd = 11/16 to 11/31 are the dates
Payperiod is Mon - Sun.
November end on a Tuesday.
December starts on a Wednesday.
The trouble is I have a formula for the cell of the 1st sheet ranging from
B6:H6 which November turn out to luckily start out on a Mon = B6 and
Sunday = H6
The formula will not work when the next Month appears on my new
spreadsheet. How would I rewrite the formula.


C6= hourly rate

I created a seperate spreadsheet called Payroll
So, I pasted and copied the total hrs from the 1st time schedule
in a cell on my Payroll sheet. This is why you see B23, which
at the bottom of this sheet. Was this done right.
The formula work great on figuring overtime from Mon - Sun.
But will not work for Dec, Jan because the days end up at different
location on a calendar.

This is my spreadsheet for the 1st semi=mthly time schedule:

1 Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun etc
2 11/1 11/2 11/3 etc. etc

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