cell format text and data displayed like a number



I would like to have the cell format set as text but display numbers
like $123,456.1234 while still having the data be just 123456.1234
I know that it would be easier to set the cell format to number, but I
want to manipulate the data and the number format messes that up. I
can start out with the cell format set at text, manipulate the data,
and -then- set the cell format to number to get the proper display,
which works fine until the user enters a number in that cell a second
time and now the format is set to number.


Use Format>Cells>Custom then in the box above the suggested custom styles

"$###,##0.0000_"; ($###,##0.0000)

Then click OK


Or, just select currency and set the decimal places to 4.

Thanks, I will try both of the above suggestions, it looks like they
don't mess up the data, so I can still manipulate the numbers as a
'text' string.

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