Cell entry used in formula



I'm using a common lookup formula like the following:

Is it possible to write the above formula to reference entries in cell
as cell numbers?

For example: If cell J1 contains the text "B3" , can a function b
written in place of E1 (in the formula) to reference J1 and use B3 (o
whatever cell number in in J1)?

Hope this makes sense.



Jim Rech

I'm guessing you might want something like this:


Your example is confusing because you used B3, which is right in your index
range, but I assume that was an oversight (or I don't understand).

Jim Rech
Excel MVP

| I'm using a common lookup formula like the following:
| =index(B1:B5,match(E1,A1:A5,false),1)
| Is it possible to write the above formula to reference entries in cells
| as cell numbers?
| For example: If cell J1 contains the text "B3" , can a function be
| written in place of E1 (in the formula) to reference J1 and use B3 (or
| whatever cell number in in J1)?
| Hope this makes sense.
| Thanks
| Bobby
| ---
| Message posted

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