Cell and Worksheet Location



I need to establish (programatically find) the activeworksheet and active or
selected cell at the start of a macro I need to write. I need to validate
that the user of the macro is in the right sheet and column and row range
before I run the rest of the macro code.


This should do the trick:

Option Explicit
Sub Right_Location()

Dim sheetname As String
sheetname = ActiveSheet.Name

If vbNo = MsgBox(sheetname & " " & ActiveCell.Address & ": Is this the
correct starting location?", vbYesNo) Then
MsgBox ("Please select the correct starting location.")
End If

End Sub


Suppose you want "Sheet1" and cell A5 to be the active ones.

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Sheet1" Or _
ActiveCell.Address <> "$A$5" Then
MsgBox "Blah blah" 'optional
Exit Sub
End If


Thanks very much. I believe I'm good to go.

StumpedAgain said:
This should do the trick:

Option Explicit
Sub Right_Location()

Dim sheetname As String
sheetname = ActiveSheet.Name

If vbNo = MsgBox(sheetname & " " & ActiveCell.Address & ": Is this the
correct starting location?", vbYesNo) Then
MsgBox ("Please select the correct starting location.")
End If

End Sub

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