cd dvd print


Tim S

Teranews said:
good cheap printer for labels on dvd cd .

Is it just me or is there a growing proportion of people who've lost the
ability to speak any semblance of well formed English?

To the OP - what the hell are you talking about?


To the OP - what the hell are you talking about?

I agree with you completely and my other gripe is why do people feel
compelled to re-post the original post in its entirety, just to answer
it with a few words.




I am sorry you cannot read what I wrote..
This is not
For simplicity and not to take up a lot of space, I use short and to the
point messages (msgs).
Do not answer my post if you are only critical of what and how I say it.
Same to the ones that don't like top post and repeating of the message.
I am 67 and Will do what the HELL I want to do.
Jim Willis
Now crawl back in your nearsighted hell hole !!!
Hope this is LOUD and clear....


John I am looking for a printer that can print to a cd or dvd.
I want a cheap but good one.

Is this plain enough??
If not please go to messages block sender...
see other reply !!
Jim Willis

Ivor Jones

Jim said:

I am sorry you cannot read what I wrote..
This is not
For simplicity and not to take up a lot of space, I use
short and to the point messages (msgs).
Do not answer my post if you are only critical of what
and how I say it. Same to the ones that don't like top
post and repeating of the message. I am 67 and Will do
what the HELL I want to do. Jim Willis
Now crawl back in your nearsighted hell hole !!!
Hope this is LOUD and clear....

Very. I hope it's also very loud and clear to you that many people do not
consider a reasonable command of the English language to be too much to

For simplicity, be short and to the point, but do not omit necessary words
or punctuation from your sentences.


Roy G

Teranews said:
good cheap printer for labels on dvd cd .

For the original poster, and those who objected to the request for

You can count 5 responses, but you will not see any printer named.

Perhaps the brevity and compression did not appeal to those who know the

Roy G

Tim S


I am sorry you cannot read what I wrote..
This is not

Perhaps not, but I have seen non-native speakers in other groups I subscribe
to put together a more coherent message.
For simplicity and not to take up a lot of space, I use short and to the
point messages (msgs).

I find "text speak", as employed by mobile phone subscribers to be annoying,
but at least there is an excuse in that context, being that it is
physically difficult to be verbose on a 12 key pad. In any other context I
consider it ill mannered.
Do not answer my post if you are only critical of what and how I say it.
Same to the ones that don't like top post and repeating of the message.

It is not that I am generally critical - you will find that I ask opinions
and respond to queries helpfully (at least I hope so) within a number of
groups in approximately equal measure.

However, it is very annoying to have a vague question posed without the
poster appearing to care enough to type a reasonable message, nor, more
pertinently, provide some background information. For example, do you wish
to drive the printer from a Mac, a PC running MS Windows version X or an
Alpha running OpenVMS or Linux?

Do you an expected usage (occasional or professional)?

Do you wish the printer to be useful for other tasks, for example, printing

USENET is a very useful resource, but the people who offer useful
information from their experience do so without payment and freely give of
their time. This is not a corporate helpdesk and the scenario which is not
uncommon there, of a vague problem being cited, then *much* to-ing and
fro-ing to arrive at a sensible answer is not really on and indicates a
certain discourtesy.

Now I *am* surprised.
and Will do what the HELL I want to do.

Then do not be surprised by the reaction you get.
Jim Willis
Now crawl back in your nearsighted hell hole !!!
Hope this is LOUD and clear....

Something is certainly clear, but I do not think it is what you intended.


Dan G

Jim said:
John I am looking for a printer that can print to a cd or dvd.
I want a cheap but good one.

In the USA?

You have 2 choices, Epson or HP. The HP appears to function well enough, but
nearly all users find the disc print software and printer driver to be
woefully inadequate. Thus, you'll also need some print software.

If you have access to Canadian products, you can get a Canon printer, which
does have very robust and functional software and drivers. You can also buy
a USA Canon model and do a firmware mod to enable disc printing. Then you
would simply need to locate a disc printing tray on Ebay and you're set. The
mod to enable printing is pretty straightforward. I recommend this route
over the other 2 brands.

The Epsons are well-received for the most part, though some folks also find
the print software to be poor.

Rick Blaine

Jim said:
I am looking for a printer that can print to a cd or dvd.

I modified my US Canon MP 150 to do direct print. Its far better than buying
sticky labels... $30 for the CD tray on eBay...

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