# causes syntax error



Hi again.

I've exported a bunch of huge tables from an Oracle db that I'm restricted
to using a particular interface for. This front end exports null values as a
string: #EMPTY
I have to export the tables as txt files because many of them run 300k to
over 500k records. Then I import them into Access 2K making all the fields
text data type (any other data type causes import errors).
Now I've got a boatload of tables with boatloads of fields containing

This code produces a syntax error:
'Fields are numbered from 0 so we start at 1 to avoid the ID field
For i = 1 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
sField = rs.Fields(i).Name
sSql = "UPDATE " & strTable & " SET [" & strTable & "]. _
[" & sField & "] = Null "
sSql = sSql & "WHERE ((([" & strTable & "]. _
[" & sField & "])='#EMPTY'));"
db.Execute sSql, dbFailOnError
Next i

I *know* it's that damn hash mark! I need to do this programatically
because it will be automated once I work out the kinks. How do I get around
the hash mark?



HA! Nevermind.

I got around it this way:
sStr = """" & Chr(35) & "EMPTY" & """"
For i = 1 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
sField = rs.Fields(i).Name
sSql = "UPDATE " & strTable & " SET [" & strTable & "].[" & sField & "]
= Null "
sSql = sSql & "WHERE ((([" & strTable & "].[" & sField & "])=" & sStr &
db.Execute sSql, dbFailOnError
Next i

What a pain in the ...

David C. Holley

1. What is the SPECIFIC error message that you're getting?
2. Anytime I'm building an action query for using in code, I ALWAYS use
the query builder whenever possible to ensure the syntax is correct and
to tweak the query. Then its just a matter of copying the SQL statement
into the procedure.

David H


Thanks for the response, David, but I fixed this one myself. I have a new issue
I'll post under a new header.


1. What is the SPECIFIC error message that you're getting?
2. Anytime I'm building an action query for using in code, I ALWAYS use
the query builder whenever possible to ensure the syntax is correct and
to tweak the query. Then its just a matter of copying the SQL statement
into the procedure.

David H
Hi again.

I've exported a bunch of huge tables from an Oracle db that I'm restricted
to using a particular interface for. This front end exports null values as a
string: #EMPTY
I have to export the tables as txt files because many of them run 300k to
over 500k records. Then I import them into Access 2K making all the fields
text data type (any other data type causes import errors).
Now I've got a boatload of tables with boatloads of fields containing

This code produces a syntax error:
'Fields are numbered from 0 so we start at 1 to avoid the ID field
For i = 1 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
sField = rs.Fields(i).Name
sSql = "UPDATE " & strTable & " SET [" & strTable & "]. _
[" & sField & "] = Null "
sSql = sSql & "WHERE ((([" & strTable & "]. _
[" & sField & "])='#EMPTY'));"
db.Execute sSql, dbFailOnError
Next i

I *know* it's that damn hash mark! I need to do this programatically
because it will be automated once I work out the kinks. How do I get around
the hash mark?


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