Cast from string to System.DayOfWeek


Charlie Brown

I am trying to cast a string to System.DayOfWeek. Don't even know if
this is possible but it would sure save me a lot of headache if it is.


Dim strDay As String = "Wednesday"
Dim day As System.DayOfWeek = ctype(strDay, System.DayOfWeek)

Larry Lard

Charlie said:
I am trying to cast a string to System.DayOfWeek. Don't even know if
this is possible but it would sure save me a lot of headache if it is.


Dim strDay As String = "Wednesday"
Dim day As System.DayOfWeek = ctype(strDay, System.DayOfWeek)

DayOfWeek is an Enum, and Enum has the Parse method. The syntax is a
little ugly, but it works:

day = CType(System.Enum.Parse(GetType(DayOfWeek), strDay),

(The reason we have to say System.Enum is because Enum is a VB.NET
keyword. An alternative syntax is

day = CType([Enum].Parse(GetType(DayOfWeek), strDay),

which isn't really much better).

You will get an ArgumentException if the string doesn't match any of
the enum values.

Larry Lard

Larry said:
DayOfWeek is an Enum, and Enum has the Parse method. The syntax is a
little ugly, but it works:

day = CType(System.Enum.Parse(GetType(DayOfWeek), strDay),

Oops, with a pre-defined enum we can be a little cleaner:

day = CType(DayOfWeek.Parse(GetType(DayOfWeek), strDay),

using the fact that Parse can be invoked directly on a type that
inherits from Enum.

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