Cases/Set object to take coordinates of Print Range


Bruce Roberson

I'm staring over with this post, and see if I can explain
it another way.

This procedure is taking a user choice from an option
button and attempting to assign a predefined print range
from the choice a user selects from one of five option

I do know from stepping through this procedure that the
object printoption is taking on a value from the
line "printoption = myoption.caption" as shown below.
However, when it gets down to the cases, and attempts to
set the object "Printthisrange", it apparently isn't
happening like it should.

Therefore, when the procedure gets down to the
line "", it acts as if Printthisrange
was never populated, which it wasn't according to the
debug watch I put on this range.

I have played with it and Steve Bell has tried to help,
but it still doesn't work, so I just thought it might help
if I posted all I know about what is happening and what is
not happening.

Hope this help so someone can diagnose the problem I am


Private Sub btnprint1_Click()
Dim myOption As Control
Dim Printoption
Dim Printthisrange As Range

For Each myOption In Frame1.Controls
If myOption.Value = True Then
Printoption = myOption.Caption
End If
Next myOption

Select Case Printoption
Case 1
Printoption = "Cantera Natural Gas"
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBACGG")
Case 2
Printoption = "DEFS"
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBADEFS")
Case 3
Printoption = "Agave"
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBAAgave")
Case 4
Printoption = "TWML"
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBATWML")
Case 5
Printoption = "Print All OBA Pages"

End Select
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.PrintTitleRows = ""
.PaperSize = xlPaperLegal
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.FitToPagesTall = 1
.Orientation = xlLandscape
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.FitToPagesTall = 1
End With
Unload Me
Set Printthisrange = Nothing

End Sub



Guess I wasn't clear -
Instead of Case 1, Case 2 ....
You want Case "Cantera Natural Gas", Case "DEFS", etc.
And you can get rid of each of the Printoption = .... lines

I am not sure what to put in for all pages.

MUST be defined names on the worksheet!

This works for me...

Select Case Printoption
Case "Cantera Natural Gas"
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBACGG")
Case "DEFS"
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBADEFS")
Case "Agave"
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBAAgave")
Case "TWML"
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBATWML")
Case "Print All OBA Pages"
Set Printthisrange = Range(????????)
End Select

Bruce Roberson

Well, you would of thought that would be the end of this
problem. However......

Printthisrange still refused to work with this approach
so..... I got some more help and I have gotten a little
farther with the following procedure.

Private Sub btnprint1_Click()
Dim Printthisrange

Select Case True
Case OptCNGOBA.Value
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBACGG")
Case OptDEFSOBA.Value
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBADEFS")
Case OptAgaveOBA.Value
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBAAgave")
Case OptTWMLOBA.Value
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBATWML")

This way it tests for a true value on the option button,
and then it actually set the printrange like it was
supposed to.

The rest of the procedure is what I'm experimenting with
right now. I can get it to print preview the range, but I
am having trouble with the fact that each range is on a
separate sheet, and I need to select either the range or
the worksheet so I can do a with statement for the
formatting. For some reason, the statement

"" sometimes refuses to select as I
select it when testing it with each option. It just gives
me this run time error '1004': and then the next line of
the box says "Select method of Range class failed"

Maybe I have to hold my tongue a certain way perhaps for
this to work on each time?

This is the full procedure as I have it now:

Private Sub btnprint1_Click()
Dim Printthisrange

Select Case True
Case OptCNGOBA.Value
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBACGG")
Case OptDEFSOBA.Value
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBADEFS")
Case OptAgaveOBA.Value
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBAAgave")
Case OptTWMLOBA.Value
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBATWML")

End Select
'With Worksheets(Printthisrange.Parent.bane).PageSetup
' .PrintTitleRows = ""
' .PaperSize = xlPaperLegal
' .FitToPagesWide = 1
' .FitToPagesTall = 1
' .Orientation = xlLandscape
'End With
Unload Me
Printthisrange = "Nothing"

End Sub

Bruce Roberson

I'd love to do somethign with a Sheets command, but it
always gives me an idiot message, in this case Run time
message 13

Private Sub btnprint1_Click()
Dim Printthisrange
Dim mysheet As Worksheet

Select Case True
Case OptCNGOBA.Value
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBACGG")
Case OptDEFSOBA.Value
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBADEFS")
Case OptAgaveOBA.Value
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBAAgave")
Case OptTWMLOBA.Value
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBATWML")

End Select
Well how do I get it to recognize "Mysheet" as a reference?


With Sheets("MySheet").Printthisrange
.PrintTitleRows = ""
.PaperSize = xlPaperLegal
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.FitToPagesTall = 1
.Orientation = xlLandscape
End With
Unload Me
Printthisrange = "Nothing"

End Sub



You need to substitute the actual name of the sheet in place of MySheet.
(MySheet is just a generic). Excel is looking for the name you have
assigned to the sheet.

You may see things like MyRange, MySheet, MyBook in posted code. You must
always replace these with the names you are using. You may also see
references to $A1:$G$5 in the posted code. Again you must replace this with
the range you are using.

Remember we don't always know what your workbook looks like (or for that
matter, what other peoples workbooks look like). So we construct code with
generic references. Unfortunately many of the new comers aren't familiar
with this and get caught.

Hope this helps...


Bruce Roberson


Then shouldn't I be able to assign a sheet name to mysheet
having already declared that as a worksheet object?

For the last case option, the sheet name in question would
be OBA TWML (Space intentional betw A and T). So, right
after that statement, I have tried various syntax with no
luck so far.

Case OptTWMLOBA.Value
Set Printthisrange = Range("OBATWML")
Set mysheet = Worksheet("OBA TWML")

If it takes that, then I should be able to select the
sheet and/or the range itself, right? Then, if I get all
accomplished, then I can do what I need to with the print

This shouldn't have been this hard. I have a lot of other
stuff to do they may make this look like a walk in the
park. So, it is real frustrating that the learning curve
is so steep going from QPW to Excel. There wasn't a whole
lot in QPW that I couldn't do.





Excel can be very tempermental. Variables have to be defined carefully.
For your needs:
1. Your workbook must be the active workbook.
2. The worksheet must be selected.
3. Than you can select the range.

Dim mysheet As Worksheet, Printthisrange as Range
Set mysheet = Worksheets("OBA TWML")
Set Printthisrange = mysheet.Range("G5:M25")
' (reset the range per your needs)

mysheet .Select

Set Printthisrange = Nothing
Set mysheet = Nothing

If this still doesn't work. Double check that all your variables are
picking up the correct values. Make sure that Option Explicit is
at the top of the module. And Debug > Compile your project to
see if Excel can pick up any problems.

Put the code above in a module all by itself and see if it runs.
This shouldn't have been this hard. I have a lot of other
stuff to do they may make this look like a walk in the
park. So, it is real frustrating that the learning curve
is so steep going from QPW to Excel. There wasn't a whole
lot in QPW that I couldn't do.

Part of the problem was the problem you were having with the syntax.
Had to repeat myself a few times (myfault) about setting the Case
And than you didn't realize that you needed to replace some of my "names"
with your "names". This stuff happens...

And sometimes typo's and such really get in the way. This is why debugging
and stepping through code is so important.

I don't know what QPW is but I don't think you can really compare the two.
At the beginning Excel VB can be a bit confusing. But once you get on with
it - it does get easier. It is a steep curve because there is a lot to
Spend as much time as you can reading as many of the posts in the ng
and you will be surprised.


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