Case Select not working in 2007


Larry Salvucci

I have the following code behind a command button on my form. It works fine
in 2003 but for some reason it won't update the control "NextReviewDate" when
I use 2007. Can anyone shed some light on why it won't work in 2007?

If Forms!frmEmployeeMain!CurrentType = "Hourly" Then
If IsNull(Forms!frmEmployeeMain!RehireDate) Then

If IsNull(LastType) Then
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
End If
'RecCount = ECount("Counter", "tblEmployeeReviews",
"EmployeeReviewID= " & Me.EmpID)
Select Case LastType
Case 1
'1 Month Review Complete. Calculate 2 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 2, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case 2
'2 Month Review Complete. Calculate 3 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 3, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case 3
'3 Month Review Complete. Calculate 6 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 6, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case 4
'6 Month Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review Date from
Hire Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case Else
'Annual Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review from Hire
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", [LastYear], Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate),

End Select

If IsNull(LastType) Then
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
End If
'RecCount = ECount("Counter", "tblEmployeeReviews",
"EmployeeReviewID= " & Me.EmpID)
Select Case LastType
Case 1
'1 Month Review Complete. Calculate 2 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 2, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case 2
'2 Month Review Complete. Calculate 3 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 3, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case 3
'3 Month Review Complete. Calculate 6 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 6, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case 4
'6 Month Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review Date from
Hire Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case Else
'Annual Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review from Hire
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", [LastYearRH],
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)

End Select
End If

End If

Clifford Bass

Hi Larry,

Not from the code you posted. Especially since it works in 2003.
Basic question: Are you testing the exact same situation in 2007 as in 2003?
To figure out the problem you need to debug the code by inspecting it while
it is running. To do so, place a break point on the first If line (click in
the left margin area of the code window, it will show a big dot) and then do
whatever it is that triggers the code. When it breaks, you can press
Shift-F8 to step through the code, see what happens. Also, you can hover
your cursor over the various items to see their values. F5 will resume
normal execution.

A couple of asides:

1) You can improve the readability of the code by wrapping the entire
section in a With / End With.

With Forms!frmEmployeeMain
If !CurrentType = "Hourly" Then
If IsNull(!RehireDate) Then
!NextReviewDate = GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 2, !StartDate), 1)

End With

2) It will also help you when reading it to fix the indentation so it
is all consistent, using a tab (four spaces) for each level inside of a
branching type of statement. You can also add in comments on the Else
sections of the code.

If xxx Then
If yyy Then
Select zzz
Case 1
' aaaa

Case 2
' bbbb

Case Else
' cccc

End Select
Else ' Not yyy
If www Then

End If
End If
Else ' Not xxx

End If

Hope that helps,

Clifford Bass

Larry Salvucci said:
I have the following code behind a command button on my form. It works fine
in 2003 but for some reason it won't update the control "NextReviewDate" when
I use 2007. Can anyone shed some light on why it won't work in 2007?

If Forms!frmEmployeeMain!CurrentType = "Hourly" Then
If IsNull(Forms!frmEmployeeMain!RehireDate) Then

If IsNull(LastType) Then
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
End If
'RecCount = ECount("Counter", "tblEmployeeReviews",
"EmployeeReviewID= " & Me.EmpID)
Select Case LastType
Case 1
'1 Month Review Complete. Calculate 2 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 2, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case 2
'2 Month Review Complete. Calculate 3 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 3, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case 3
'3 Month Review Complete. Calculate 6 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 6, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case 4
'6 Month Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review Date from
Hire Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case Else
'Annual Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review from Hire
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", [LastYear], Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate),

End Select

If IsNull(LastType) Then
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
End If
'RecCount = ECount("Counter", "tblEmployeeReviews",
"EmployeeReviewID= " & Me.EmpID)
Select Case LastType
Case 1
'1 Month Review Complete. Calculate 2 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 2, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case 2
'2 Month Review Complete. Calculate 3 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 3, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case 3
'3 Month Review Complete. Calculate 6 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 6, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case 4
'6 Month Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review Date from
Hire Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case Else
'Annual Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review from Hire
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", [LastYearRH],
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)

End Select
End If

End If

Larry Salvucci

Hi Clifford,

I tried doing what you said with the break point and I walked through the
code and it seemed to return the results correctly. I tested it again in 2003
and it worked and then in 2007 and it still didn't work. Nothing changed in
either situation at all. The code I'm using is on my subform command button.
It's supposed to update the "NextReviewDate" on my main form. Is there
anything weird in 2007 that might cause this to not work?

Clifford Bass said:
Hi Larry,

Not from the code you posted. Especially since it works in 2003.
Basic question: Are you testing the exact same situation in 2007 as in 2003?
To figure out the problem you need to debug the code by inspecting it while
it is running. To do so, place a break point on the first If line (click in
the left margin area of the code window, it will show a big dot) and then do
whatever it is that triggers the code. When it breaks, you can press
Shift-F8 to step through the code, see what happens. Also, you can hover
your cursor over the various items to see their values. F5 will resume
normal execution.

A couple of asides:

1) You can improve the readability of the code by wrapping the entire
section in a With / End With.

With Forms!frmEmployeeMain
If !CurrentType = "Hourly" Then
If IsNull(!RehireDate) Then
!NextReviewDate = GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 2, !StartDate), 1)

End With

2) It will also help you when reading it to fix the indentation so it
is all consistent, using a tab (four spaces) for each level inside of a
branching type of statement. You can also add in comments on the Else
sections of the code.

If xxx Then
If yyy Then
Select zzz
Case 1
' aaaa

Case 2
' bbbb

Case Else
' cccc

End Select
Else ' Not yyy
If www Then

End If
End If
Else ' Not xxx

End If

Hope that helps,

Clifford Bass

Larry Salvucci said:
I have the following code behind a command button on my form. It works fine
in 2003 but for some reason it won't update the control "NextReviewDate" when
I use 2007. Can anyone shed some light on why it won't work in 2007?

If Forms!frmEmployeeMain!CurrentType = "Hourly" Then
If IsNull(Forms!frmEmployeeMain!RehireDate) Then

If IsNull(LastType) Then
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
End If
'RecCount = ECount("Counter", "tblEmployeeReviews",
"EmployeeReviewID= " & Me.EmpID)
Select Case LastType
Case 1
'1 Month Review Complete. Calculate 2 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 2, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case 2
'2 Month Review Complete. Calculate 3 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 3, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case 3
'3 Month Review Complete. Calculate 6 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 6, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case 4
'6 Month Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review Date from
Hire Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case Else
'Annual Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review from Hire
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", [LastYear], Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate),

End Select

If IsNull(LastType) Then
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
End If
'RecCount = ECount("Counter", "tblEmployeeReviews",
"EmployeeReviewID= " & Me.EmpID)
Select Case LastType
Case 1
'1 Month Review Complete. Calculate 2 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 2, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case 2
'2 Month Review Complete. Calculate 3 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 3, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case 3
'3 Month Review Complete. Calculate 6 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 6, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case 4
'6 Month Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review Date from
Hire Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case Else
'Annual Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review from Hire
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", [LastYearRH],
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)

End Select
End If

End If

Larry Salvucci

Also, the ScheduledEndTime is just a time without a date.

Clifford Bass said:
Hi Larry,

Not from the code you posted. Especially since it works in 2003.
Basic question: Are you testing the exact same situation in 2007 as in 2003?
To figure out the problem you need to debug the code by inspecting it while
it is running. To do so, place a break point on the first If line (click in
the left margin area of the code window, it will show a big dot) and then do
whatever it is that triggers the code. When it breaks, you can press
Shift-F8 to step through the code, see what happens. Also, you can hover
your cursor over the various items to see their values. F5 will resume
normal execution.

A couple of asides:

1) You can improve the readability of the code by wrapping the entire
section in a With / End With.

With Forms!frmEmployeeMain
If !CurrentType = "Hourly" Then
If IsNull(!RehireDate) Then
!NextReviewDate = GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 2, !StartDate), 1)

End With

2) It will also help you when reading it to fix the indentation so it
is all consistent, using a tab (four spaces) for each level inside of a
branching type of statement. You can also add in comments on the Else
sections of the code.

If xxx Then
If yyy Then
Select zzz
Case 1
' aaaa

Case 2
' bbbb

Case Else
' cccc

End Select
Else ' Not yyy
If www Then

End If
End If
Else ' Not xxx

End If

Hope that helps,

Clifford Bass

Larry Salvucci said:
I have the following code behind a command button on my form. It works fine
in 2003 but for some reason it won't update the control "NextReviewDate" when
I use 2007. Can anyone shed some light on why it won't work in 2007?

If Forms!frmEmployeeMain!CurrentType = "Hourly" Then
If IsNull(Forms!frmEmployeeMain!RehireDate) Then

If IsNull(LastType) Then
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
End If
'RecCount = ECount("Counter", "tblEmployeeReviews",
"EmployeeReviewID= " & Me.EmpID)
Select Case LastType
Case 1
'1 Month Review Complete. Calculate 2 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 2, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case 2
'2 Month Review Complete. Calculate 3 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 3, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case 3
'3 Month Review Complete. Calculate 6 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 6, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case 4
'6 Month Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review Date from
Hire Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
Case Else
'Annual Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review from Hire
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", [LastYear], Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate),

End Select

If IsNull(LastType) Then
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
End If
'RecCount = ECount("Counter", "tblEmployeeReviews",
"EmployeeReviewID= " & Me.EmpID)
Select Case LastType
Case 1
'1 Month Review Complete. Calculate 2 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 2, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case 2
'2 Month Review Complete. Calculate 3 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 3, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case 3
'3 Month Review Complete. Calculate 6 Month Review Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 6, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case 4
'6 Month Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review Date from
Hire Date
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)
Case Else
'Annual Review Complete. Calculate Annual Review from Hire
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate =
GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("yyyy", [LastYearRH],
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.RehireDate), 1)

End Select
End If

End If

Clifford Bass

Hi Larry,

Nothing weird in 2007 that I know of that could cause that. May be
there is some minor corruption somewhere. Or 2007 is catching something that
was incorrectly allowed in earlier versions. A few other things to try:

1) Try a compact and repair.

2) Add on a separate line at the top of the code:

Option Explicit

Then do a compile of the code (Debug menu, Compile Database), see if
there are any errors. Fix any that get flagged.

3) Add error handling to the subroutine if you do not already have it.
At the beginning:

On Error GoTo Handle_Error

Just before the End Sub line:

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_Sub

Run the process, see if any errors are reported.

4) Try a decompile/recompile of the database. See
<> for information on how to do

5) Make sure your Office 2007 is fully up-to-date with service packs
and other patches.

Hope one of those helps,

Clifford Bass

Larry Salvucci

Hi Clifford,

I tried everything you said and still the same thing. I checked for office
updates and there were none. How do I check for patches?

I'm not getting any error messages either from the handling either.

This is weird.......

Clifford Bass

Hi Larry,

Yes, weird! Another idea to try to pin it down. Define a date
variable at the top of the subroutine:

Dim dtNextReview As Date

In the code change all of your "Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate ="
to "dtNextReview =". Then on the line after each End Select add:

Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate = dtNextReview
MsgBox "Variable: " & dtNextReview & vbCrLf & _
"TextBox: " & Forms!frmEmployeeMain.NextReviewDate

Run it and see what you get.

Clifford Bass

Larry Salvucci

It won't even give me the message box. And it still doesn't change the

Larry Salvucci

I just tried something and got an interesting answer. I tried stepping into
the code like you mentioned in your first response. When I run the code and
do the shift f8 and move the mouse over the first dtNextReview:

If IsNull(LastType) Then
dtNextReview = GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 1,
FormsfrmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)
End If

The result shows as "12:00:00 AM"

Why would I get that result instead of a date?

Clifford Bass

Hi Larry,

That the message box never shows, indicates those sections of code
where the message boxes are, are never being executed. Did you trace through
to see if it ever gets to either MsgBox line?

Regarding the 12:00:00 AM; dates, which are really dates and times, are
stored as an offset from 12/30/1899, 12:00:00 AM, with the number of
days-offset an integer value and the time-offset a fractional (decimal) value
between 0 and 1. So when you get 12:00:00 AM it means the date has not been
set or has been set to 0. Times are really just dates also, with the date
portion being 12/30/1899.

I am having a thought that the issue might be nulls. Are you testing
someone where LastType is null? If so, try changing the stuff from If
IsNull(LastType) through Case 1 to this:

Select Case Nz(LastType, 0)
Case 0
dtNextReview = GetBusinessDay(DateAdd("m", 1,
Forms!frmEmployeeMain.StartDate), 1)

Case 1

On the other hand that may not help any.

Let me know,

Clifford Bass

Larry Salvucci

Hi Clifford,

I figured out the problem. The reason why it wasn't updating was because on
my form I have a control called "LastYear" which is used in the case select
to increment the years. The recordsource for that control is:

That wasn't updating before my case selects would fire. Prior to my case
selects firing I have code that is supposed to refresh that control so when
the case select fires it has the latest value. For some reason it's not
firing even though the code is there. It does work in 2003 though.

This is what I'm using before the case selects that is supposed to refresh
the calculation in the "LastYear" control so that the case select fires


Is there a way I can take this:


and put it into vba code instead of using a contol on my form? Would that
make it calculate before the case select fires?

Larry Salvucci

Hi Clifford,

Well I tried everything you said and it still won't update that field before
the case select runs. I tried also adding the "intLastYear" but I get an
error "Sub or Function not defined" and then it highlights the "Last"
function in the vba code. Why would that be?

Clifford Bass via said:
Hi Larry,

This is good--to know the problem. The LastYear may not update when you
make changes until the record is saved. Perhaps there is a difference in the
Me.Refresh between 2007 and earlier versions. So you might want to try
replacing the Me.Refresh with this:

If Me.Dirty Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End If

You could also try adding this next if that does not do the trick:


And if those do not help, try creating a new variable and setting it to
the expression. But it probably would be good to keep the If Me.Dirty...
part regardless.

Dim intLastYear As Integer

intLastYear = Last(Year([ReviewDate]))-Year(Forms!frmEmployeeMain!

Clifford Bass

Larry said:
Hi Clifford,

I figured out the problem. The reason why it wasn't updating was because on
my form I have a control called "LastYear" which is used in the case select
to increment the years. The recordsource for that control is:

That wasn't updating before my case selects would fire. Prior to my case
selects firing I have code that is supposed to refresh that control so when
the case select fires it has the latest value. For some reason it's not
firing even though the code is there. It does work in 2003 though.

This is what I'm using before the case selects that is supposed to refresh
the calculation in the "LastYear" control so that the case select fires


Is there a way I can take this:


and put it into vba code instead of using a contol on my form? Would that
make it calculate before the case select fires?

Clifford Bass

Hi Larry,

I should have tested the Last() in code before suggesting that. Sorry
about that :-( I thought if it works in a text box's control source, why not
in code. Probably it does not work in code as it is an SQL aggregate
function. So we need to use what is called a domain aggregate function
instead. Try this, adjusted to use your child table's name instead of
tblChild, and fixing the condition part to reflect the proper column name in
the table instead of EmployeeID and the proper text box name on the subform
instead of txtEmployeeID:

intLastYear = Year(DLast("ReviewDate", "tblChild", "EmployeeID = " &

If that still does not work--I am baffled enough that I would be
interested in trying to figure it out myself. That is if you are open to
sending a copy of the database with a little dummy data. If you are, let me

Clifford Bass

Larry Salvucci

Hi Clifford,

SUCCESS! It's working now. I'm using the DLast function you last mentioned.
Now it works and updates everything when I fire the code. What a toughy this
Thank you very much for all your help. Very much appreciated!

Take Care

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