Capturing when a report is printed

  • Thread starter Thread starter davea
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I'm trying to record the date and time when a particular report is
actually printed. I have seen methods on the groups for recording when
a report is previewed e.g. using activate and deactivate events on the
report. I currently have a table that records a date and time for the
report but it also records it when you preview and close the report
without printing. Here's the code I'm using:

Sub ReportHeader3_Print (Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
Dim dbs As Database, rst As Recordset
Set dbs = CurrentDB()
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblPrintedReports")
Flag = Flag + 1
' If the current value of Flag = 1, then a hard copy of the
' report is printing, so add a new record to the history table.
If Flag = 1 Then
rst!ReportName = "rptCustomers"
rst!PrintDate = Now
Flag = 0
End If
End Sub

How do you capture when a report has been printed? Any suggestions
welcome. is your friend. Use it.
You can use the following code to determine if the report has been
sent to the printer, whether or not it has also been previewed.

HOWEVER... Even if it has been sent to the printer, there is no way to
tell if the printout has been successfully printed until you have the paper
report in your hand.

The actual starting value of intPreview below depends upon if you have
a control in the report to compute [pages].
Comment out the un-needed portion of the code accordingly.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim intPreview As Integer

Private Sub Report_Activate()
intPreview = -1 ' If [Pages] is not used
' intPreview = -2 ' If [Pages] used
End Sub

Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As
If intPreview >= 0 Then ' If [Pages] not used
' If intPreview >= 1 Then ' If [Pages] used
MsgBox "Gone Printing"
' You can place code here to update a table field to show it was
sent to printer
End If
intPreview = intPreview + 1
End Sub is your friend. Use it.
You can use the following code to determine if the report has been
sent to the printer, whether or not it has also been previewed.

HOWEVER... Even if it has been sent to the printer, there is no way to
tell if the printout has been successfully printed until you have the paper
report in your hand.

The actual starting value of intPreview below depends upon if you have
a control in the report to compute [pages].
Comment out the un-needed portion of the code accordingly.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim intPreview As Integer

Private Sub Report_Activate()
intPreview = -1 ' If [Pages] is not used
' intPreview = -2 ' If [Pages] used
End Sub

Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As
If intPreview >= 0 Then ' If [Pages] not used
' If intPreview >= 1 Then ' If [Pages] used
MsgBox "Gone Printing"
' You can place code here to update a table field to show it was
sent to printer
End If
intPreview = intPreview + 1
End Sub
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I'm trying to record the date and time when a particular report is
actually printed. I have seen methods on the groups for recording when
a report is previewed e.g. using activate and deactivate events on the
report. I currently have a table that records a date and time for the
report but it also records it when you preview and close the report
without printing. Here's the code I'm using:
Sub ReportHeader3_Print (Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
Dim dbs As Database, rst As Recordset
Set dbs = CurrentDB()
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblPrintedReports")
Flag = Flag + 1
' If the current value of Flag = 1, then a hard copy of the
' report is printing, so add a new record to the history table.
If Flag = 1 Then
rst!ReportName = "rptCustomers"
rst!PrintDate = Now
Flag = 0
End If
End Sub
How do you capture when a report has been printed? Any suggestions
welcome.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Excellent! That worked perfectly! Thanks a lot, I've been searching
for a solution to this for ages!