Capturing information in the *.cnt files



I maintain a fairly large web site (approx. 676MB) that contains over
150 separate pages. Over 50% of these pages have a "hit counter". Is
there an easy method to determine what the current count is for each
page. Ideally, I would like to read each *.cnt file in the _private
folder, capture the number (normally displayed as "FPCountFile
0000000xxxx", and finally display the information in a table. Using
this information I can then determine what pages can be eliminated.

Thanks in advance for any assistance!

Thomas A. Rowe

No easy method when using the FP hit counter, you would have to open each cnt file. If your web
provide access to the server stats that would be a better option since you would have a much better
view of how your site is being used.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Agents Real Estate Listing Network

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