Capture Video



When connecting a VCR or camera to the computer. Movie maker does not recognize a device to capture the video. Thus, thus it does not allow me to proceed. Any suggestions?


Graham Hughes, MVP Digital Media

MM really needs a firewire digital connection to capture video. So the vcr
is out, the cam if it's a digital model will have a firewire output
(ieee1394 or i-link). You need to check the pc to see if you have one
fitted, device manager ieee1394 bus host controller. To connect the vcr, if
the cam has analogue input you could use that.

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
Tom said:
When connecting a VCR or camera to the computer. Movie maker does not
recognize a device to capture the video. Thus, thus it does not allow me to
proceed. Any suggestions?


Capturing video from analogue sources works fine with MM2. The analogue video from a vcr or camera should go into the video in of a properly installed and configured analogue capture device or card - for example a VIVO ATI or nVidia video card. The analogue audio usually goes into the line in of your computer sound card.
From your post I presume you are connecting your analogue signal to your computer so you must have some kind of capture device. More details are required to go any further.

Rod B.

Graham Hughes, MVP Digital Media

Rod is correct in thast MM2 can capture analogue, what I meant to say is
that it cannot capture full quality avi, you have to save as a compressed
wmv file. If you wanted full quality avi, you'd still need a digital
convertor of sorts.

Thanks to Rod for the correction :)

How are you getting along?


Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
Rod B said:
Capturing video from analogue sources works fine with MM2. The analogue
video from a vcr or camera should go into the video in of a properly
installed and configured analogue capture device or card - for example a
VIVO ATI or nVidia video card. The analogue audio usually goes into the line
in of your computer sound card.
From your post I presume you are connecting your analogue signal to your
computer so you must have some kind of capture device. More details are
required to go any further.

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