Caption and text all on one line, different styles



Hi whoever can help...
I have tried two things, and Word seems to change my formatting on them both
at its whim:

1) I made my Theorems and Definitions into captions, so I could get the
correct sequential numbering.
Actually I INSERTED the caption onto a normal line of text...
It turned the whole line into "Caption" style which I don't seem to be able
to format in its own right (it turns it into "Caption +11 pt" or similar).
when I try to apply the Normal Format, it wipes out all other formatting
within the selected text - such as italic and sub-script and super-script.
This is a REAL PAIN for some lines - there are 15 individually italicised
letters or so!

2) I then tried, following a suggestion, to do my captions as AutoText
entries. Which seemed ok, but now, it is not numbering sequentially - it
just numbers them all the same, unless the lines are already of the type
'Caption'. Also, I don't know how I can use AutoText for different labels
and still keep sequential numbering:
Definition 7.1
Theorem 7.2
Defn 7.3
Defn 7.4
Thm 7.5


Help please???


The trouble is,
Any way round this?


Stefan Blom

1. How did you apply the style? In order to apply a paragraph style,
you should either select the whole paragraph (for example, by
double-clicking in the left margin when the pointer is an arrow
pointing to north-east), or just place the cursor inside the

"Caption + 11pt" indicates that there is direct font formatting
applied. To get rid of it, you can select the paragraph and press
Ctrl+SpaceBar. Similarly, you can get rid of direct paragraph
formatting, by selecting the text and pressing Ctrl+Q.

2. If you are using AutoText, you need one AutoText for each type of

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...


1. I didn't apply the style - in the sense that when I tried to add "Theorem
7.1" at the start of my line, I had to use either caption or Autotext. In
the first instance I used Autotext, but then Word decided the whole line was
a CAPTION. That is a problem as my captions and normal text should be
different sizes/formats. Hence I corrected the text part by changing font
size. That is a bad solution... so I tried using Autotext instead.

2) the problem with Autotext - if I create new things for each
'Figure/Definition etc' How do I get the numbering AUTOMATIC and SEQUENTIAL?
- I can't get that to work.


Stefan Blom

1. You need a table (without borders); then you can apply different
styles to different cells. Save the entire table as an AutoText.

2. To force an update of caption numbers as well as other fields press
Ctrl+A (to select the whole document) and then press F9.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message


1. I'm sorry,I'm really grateful for the help, but I can't implement this
suggestion :blush:( I would have to do that for the 58 theorems/definitions I
have in my thesis - plus the fact that the overall line needs to be
justified, and is continuous with the next line etc - it's just not workable
as I see it - I'd have to keep adjusting my table if I want to edit the line
or anything.

2. I don't have a problem with the numbering using captions, but I thought
that Autotext would number things automatically? It seemed to yesterday, but
now I am wondering if it was just because things had originally been captions.
What is the point of Autotext if all it does is paste in a word? If you use
Autotext is there no way for it to number automatically without using the
caption function? In which case, I am back to square 1 with the formatting

I can't quite believe that if you create a caption in Word it HAS TO TREAT
the WHOLE line as a Caption. There MUST be some way to have a split of
formats on one line surely?

Doubly Distressed and perplexed!!

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Distressed said:
2. I don't have a problem with the numbering using captions, but I thought
that Autotext would number things automatically? It seemed to yesterday, but
now I am wondering if it was just because things had originally been captions.
What is the point of Autotext if all it does is paste in a word? If you use
Autotext is there no way for it to number automatically without using the
caption function? In which case, I am back to square 1 with the formatting

yes there is, and if you had stayed in the original thread and asked...
but anyway. :)

I can't quite believe that if you create a caption in Word it HAS TO TREAT
the WHOLE line as a Caption. There MUST be some way to have a split of
formats on one line surely?

I like Stefan's table approach (it's one easy way to separate
formatting); another would be to use a style separator; what I'm
proposing though is a simple AutoText. But to get the numbering correct,
you have to

1. create one caption first in the desired numbering setup (including
heading numbering),
2. make sure that the caption style is not bold,
3. follow the number with a tab character (set the tabstop through the
caption style to your liking),
4. format everything but the tab character as "bold",
5. then select the whole paragraph including paragraph mark and create
the AutoText from that.

Now, your AutoText will appear under the "category" Caption (which is
the style). Wherever you insert it, you now have a line with the label
in bold, followed by an unbolded tab. When you start to write the actual
text, it will be not bolded.



Hi Robert,
I am sorry - it wasn't actually intentional that I started a new topic - I
clicked new when I meant to click reply - then realising my mistake, and
noticing that most threads only have about 5 posts MAX, I thought I may as
well just do a new one - so I really didn't mean to offend you (assuming I
did?)! sorry.

Ok I will try the caption thing with Autotext. I couldn't understand why
that actually worked yesterday but not today - so then I just thought I had
imagined it working!

I agree Stefan's approach would work in many cases - but I think it would be
tricky in my case so I will try your suggestion first... I have wasted a lot
of time on formatting so have to leave it for now.

Thanks again - much appreciated

Stefan Blom

in message
Hi Robert,
I am sorry - it wasn't actually intentional that I started a new topic - I
clicked new when I meant to click reply - then realising my mistake, and
noticing that most threads only have about 5 posts MAX, I thought I may as
well just do a new one - so I really didn't mean to offend you (assuming I
did?)! sorry.

Staying in a thread is for practical reasons: so that you can follow a
discussion from start to finish. It is still possible to start a new
thread, but then you should include any relevant information from the
old thread (or preferably state its subject line, so that people can
search for it using google groups).

In my opinion, it is a good idea to start a new thread on essentially
the same topic if there has been no activity in the old thread for
several days. This makes it more likely that people actually see your
most recent follow-up questions.
Ok I will try the caption thing with Autotext. I couldn't understand why
that actually worked yesterday but not today - so then I just thought I had
imagined it working!

I agree Stefan's approach would work in many cases - but I think it would be
tricky in my case so I will try your suggestion first... I have wasted a lot
of time on formatting so have to leave it for now.

Robert's solution is definitely easier; there's no need to make things
more difficult than necessary! :)

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