Cant View/Open Report



I have one system in a office of nine that cant open/run/print any reports.
Also cant open in Design view!?

I get the following msg. "The Open Report Action was Canceled" when I try to
open it. When try to open it in Design View it does not open at all.

any help would be great.


Duane Hookom

Make sure that system has a default printer designated in the Windows
Control Panel.


I checked it and it does and the system can print from all other Aps. And I
should have said that it is Access 2003


Duane Hookom

This is almost always an issue with the default print. You might want to
google groups search on "Access 2003 default printer". I would try set other
printers as the default and/or update your printer drivers on the system.


I was experiencing the exact same thing and changing the default printer DID
in fact fix the issue.

Thanks for the great assistance!


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