Can't use Remote Desktop for Windows 2003 Server

  • Thread starter Rosivaldo Fernandes Alves
  • Start date

Rosivaldo Fernandes Alves

I'm trying to administrate a Windows 2003 Server by Remote Desktop, but when
I try to connect from my Windows XP Professional, I receive the following
message (badly translated by myself from Portuguese): "The remote session
has been disconnected because there is no Terminal Server licenses available
to provide licenses. Contact the server administrator". Although I've tried
to read extensively the Windows 2003 Help, I've only got more confused.
Could some one help me?

Thanks a lot.


Jeff G


First thing I would try (if you can logon to the server console) is check
the logged on users - if Terminal Services is setup in "admin mode", there
are only a few connections allowed to the server at any given time. On the
server, Start/Programs/Administrative Tools/Terminal Services Manager will
tell you about existing connections. You can kill idle sessions from there,
which may be your problem. I've run into this myself if an admin user
happens to "X" out instead of logoff.

If you cannot logon to the server console, then you'll have to get more
advanced help than I can provide...



Terminal service licensing is your culprit. Go to Add/Remove programs
and remove TS services from your server. After you complete that right
click on My Compter, Properties, Remote tab, then check the bottom
check box under "Remote Desktop" to "Allow users to connect remotely to
this computer. Next, you'll need to select which users can connect.
By default it will be the local administrator, but if you want to allow
other users to connect you can do this by adding local accounts or
domain accounts. Since Domain Admins are admins of your server if you
are on an AD domain, if the persons you want to connect to your server
are DAs, then not a problem. You can also download the latest Remote
Desktop Client (RDP) from Microsoft. Remember that you'll been port
3268 open as well over you network.


Rosivaldo Fernandes Alves

Hello, Jeff! Indeed my problem had another nature, as Colesky has guessed.
Thank you very much, anyway. Forgive my delay. I was on vacation.


Rosivaldo Fernandes Alves

Thanks, Colesky. Your suggestion worked and now I can use Remote Desktop to
access my Windows 2003. I've only seen your reply yesterday because I was on


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