Can't upload or download files



IE, Mozilla and Netscape all won't download any files. pics, music or
anything. As soon as the box comes up to "save as" and I click "save"
the browser will close and nothing saved. Same on uploads. Did a
setting or firewall get screwed up?

Did a virus scan with 3 products, AdAware, spy bot, spysweeper, and
have Microsoft Anti Spyware. Have tried to disable items and still
have problem. Not sure how to proceed. Did a couple on line scans.
Problem is with all 3 browsers at a bunch of web sites.

Charlie Tame

tools>options>security tab>click internet>hit custom button

In "Downloads"section

Is downloading files disabled?

Suggest you do NOT enable download of unsigned activex or activex that are
not "Marked as safe" in the internet zone "Ever". If you do find a site that
needs these and you trust it the safer option is to add that site to the
"Trusted Zone" and you can do that instead of enabling ordinary downloads
too if you like.

This should get IE working if these settings are the problem.




Thank you for your reply.

Yes, download button was checked in IE. And I do have Active X set a
you suggested. I did change it to prompt for a time to see if that wa
a problem.

What is strange all 3 browers stoped uploading and downloading at sam
time. This led me to a Windows Forum. Could it be a setting i
Windows somewhere?




Another suggestion was to clear out temp files. I did that too. Verry

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Thanks again.



Charlie Tame

open a command window (Start>run>type CMD in the box>hit enter

In the command window that opens type netsh winsock reset and hit enter. See
if that helps at all.

that is

netsh [space] winsock [space] reset [enter]


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