Can't Uninstall Bootvis



I'm trying to uninstall bootvis so that I can re-install it. However, no
matter which option I choose, when I try to run bootvis.msi, I get the
following message:
The Configuration data for this product is corrupt.
The heading on this dialog box is Windows Installer.

Can anyone help me?


Thorsten Matzner

ClemP said:
I'm trying to uninstall bootvis so that I can re-install it. However, no
matter which option I choose, when I try to run bootvis.msi, I get the
following message:
The Configuration data for this product is corrupt.
The heading on this dialog box is Windows Installer.

Remove the files manually, then scan the Registry for "bootvis" or the
name of the install folder for the software to remove leftovers.


Thanks for the reply, Thorsten. However, I've tried everything you suggested
several times, each time with the same result as listed in my original post.
Somewhere there is a file, flag, cookie, something, that is holding the
configuration and preventing me from uninstalling it. I've even downloaded
and run the Microsoft Windows Installer Clean Up Utility. It doesn't even
list Bootvis as an installed app.


Thanks again,

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