Can't start/find/load printer



Hello all;

Okay, I seem to be going through a "stupid spot" in my awareness that I
can't seem to penetrate. Due to a recent mobo failure, I ended up wiping my
disk in the process troubleshooting down to that (don't ask!). No problem,
I had backups and know how to reinstall/rebuild my system.

Besides the initial system install, I've set up my networked printer 3 or 4
times before. Besides, the printer was working the day before I rebuilt my
system, and it hasn't been moved or touched. It's still in the very same
spot on the very same LAN. However, I seem to be hiding in this "stupid
spot" and can't seem to figure out how to get my heretofore easily
accessible printer back into action. Obviously, you're reading this eMail,
so my LAN & network is up. But I can't seem to get to that *&^%$#@!
printer! Usually I:
1) Would find all of the necessary drivers and protocols set up in the
network settings. And my usually invincible XP Pro software would find it.
2) I'd install the HP 1220C driver download.
3) Print a test page and never look back...

But somehow this time it can't seem to find the critter. Most every thing I
do keeps on insisting that I give it "the name" of the printer. Is it just
me? Or has HP begun to dispense their printers with a birth certificate and
a name now...? The *&^%$#@! thing doesn't have a name! At least not until
I can find it. And if I can't find it, how the heck am I supposed to "name"

I'm sure it's something simple that I've overlooked...but a few hints would
be most appreciated...

Pher instance: what Clients, Services, and Protocols should I have? I
thought I needed:
Client for MS networks,
File & Printer Sharing for MS Networks, and
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

I think that's all I need. But I've done a Google search for hints, and
they all tell me that NetBEUI is needed. Yet XP Pro doesn't use that any
more. Is there another one that should be used? It's been too many months
since the last time I set this one up, and have worked on too many other
systems to recollect which ones were needed, specifically. Any
clarification would be *most* appreciated...

Regards all,
XP Pro/SP2, up-dated daily to latest


Thanks for that tip, "Cari". But it doesn't address my problem.

My HP 1220C is hooked to the LAN, it's not attached to a computer on the
LAN. Consequently accessing it is different...

The printer won't show up as being on the LAN. That implies (I think) that
one or more drivers, services, or protocols aren't being correctly
installed. But that's just my guess...

....Is there another one I should also be using?

Regards all,
XP Pro/SP2, up-dated daily to latest

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