Can't send to Yahoo



From only this PC I can't send mail to anyone in yahoo. On my laptop I used
outlook and it worked. It used to work from this PC until last week

Gary VanderMolen

I see you posted with a Yahoo email address. Is that your only email
address? US-based free Yahoo accounts have webmail access only, no
POP access. Windows Mail handles POP mail but not Yahoo webmail.
Yahoo's solution is to pay them for premium "Mail Plus" service:
and use the special settings for that service:

If you are OK with using a non-Yahoo email address, you have these other
solutions that will work with Windows Mail:
* Use the email address assigned to you by your ISP.
* Use a free Gmail, AOL, or Hotmail/Live account.

You can also continue to use Yahoo's webmail:
If you need more help with any of these solutions, just ask.

Gary VanderMolen

How do you know that sending to a Yahoo recipient fails?
Do you get an error message or non-delivery notice. If so, post a
verbatim copy here.


I am sending from my ISP account (e-mail address removed) to any yahoo mail
address using the windows mail program in Vista. It does work on an identical
computer on my network. I get the messase "message failed" in a non delivery
notice. If I use another ISP account I have I do not get the notice but it
doesn't reach the recipient.

Sam Hobbs

At least you did get it working, but it seems unlikely that the date was the

Gary VanderMolen

Good to hear it is fixed, but if you need help in the future, always
post a verbatim copy of your error message.

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