can't send email



I have Windows XP with a dsl conncetion. I have been
using Outlook express fine until yesterday when it
stopped sending email and provided this message:

The connection to the server has failed.
Account: ' (1)',
Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25,
Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number:

Yesterday BellSouth support told me to uncheck the
windows firewall as I have a router and Trend Micro
Internet Security. That worked fine for one day. Now I
get the same message. I am liked thru a Linksys dsl
router the other computer is a mac.

What gives?

Bruce Hagen

10060 & 0x800ccc0e

Go to Tools>Accounts>Mail>Properties>Servers Tab. Under *Outgoing
mail server*, check the box for My server requires authentication.
Next, click the Settings button and insert your user name,
{everything before the @ in your address} and enter the password.

Also, turn off e-mail scanning. Your A/V will still protect you.

If still no joy, post to the OE specific newsgroup:


Bruce, thanks. I will try your suggestion. I will let you
know what happens later. BTW, what are the two numbers on
top of your email:
10060 & 0x800ccc0e


Talk about timely... I had exactly the same problem this PM. Followed your
path, found info. Just retyping of my password cured my problem. Thanks
Bruce; you saved me a post :)



Thank you so much, Bruce. I will try your suggestions.
By the way, what are those two numbers on top of your
last email:
10060 & 0x800ccc0e


Bruce Hagen

10060 & 0x800ccc0e. The number of the posted error. I have *canned*
responses to many questions, so I just find it in a folder and
copy/paste. The number is in my message header so I can find it.

The connection to the server has failed.
Account: ' (1)',
Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25,
Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number:

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