can't save as jpeg or gif --- once & for all, PLEASE HELP



I've asked this before as have many others. How can I
save a photo to a JPEG or GIF like I did in 98 or 2000.
XP only allows me ART or BMP.
Changing the compression in aol and deleting the filee in
IE don't work as anyone who has tried it should know.
Please Help!! Is it time to reinstall 98??


-----Original Message-----
I've asked this before as have many others. How can I
save a photo to a JPEG or GIF like I did in 98 or 2000.
XP only allows me ART or BMP.
Changing the compression in aol and deleting the filee in
IE don't work as anyone who has tried it should know.
Please Help!! Is it time to reinstall 98??

Unfortunately, nobody seems to know the answer to this. I
myself use a program called PhotoFinish 4.0, which I
bought for only $5.00 but beats Adobe Photodeluxe and MGI
Photo Suite by MILES. First I open the BMP file, then I
convert it to 256 colors. Then I must re-convert it to 24
bit color before saving it as a JPEG or else the pic will
be saved in gray scale. Sounds like a lot of work, but
this is the only way I have found so far. You should be
able to accomplish this with any photo software you may
have but if not, you can buy PhotoFinish from

Yves Alarie

Contrary to all others asking the same question, you are the only one saying
that the solutions provided here to solve your problems do not work. Sorry
but this is a fact. The solutions provided here WORK. Period!
If the solutions provided here have not worked for YOU, you will have to do
a little bit more work. You will have to post again and in your next post,
describe exactly how you are trying to save a photo from the Internet and
what is happening when you try to do it.
And, in your next post, DON'T YELL AT US. We are volunteers here.


I have been having the same problem lately.
It doesn't matter what type of picture file i try and
save from the web the only option i am given when trying
to save it is as a bmp. I have windows XP and use
internet explorer 6.0.

any help with this matter would be greatly appreciated.


i've been having the same problem with only getting the option of saving any pictures that i try to save as ".bmp

the way i have been getting around this lately is that when that's the only option i just type in the name that i want the file to be saved as and then follow that up with .jpg that's what i've been doing to combat this problem. Seems to work so far...


When trying to copy a picture from off the internet and save it the only option i am given is to save to picture as .ART then when i do this it will not open up at all

Has anyone been able to find away to solve this???

John Inzer

Maybe these articles will shed some light:

(326675) "No Preview Available" and "File
Format Is Not Supported" Error Messages
Occur When You Try to View Graphic Files

(810978) Internet Explorer Saves Images As
Bitmaps (.bmp Files

(260650) Internet Explorer Does Not Save
Graphics Files in the Proper Format

(324761) Cannot Save Images in Windows

Go to the following site and scroll
down to the bottom of the page.
"Music, Video, and Photos"

Converting .Art Images Using AOL




John Inzer
Picture It! MVP
return e-mail disabled

Picture It! Support Center

Walley said:
When trying to copy a picture from off the internet and save it the only
option i am given is to save to picture as .ART then when i do this it will
not open up at all.


awesome help; I am an aol user and I found the information very helpful. compressed files who'd a thought. Thanks guy

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