Can't run Web App from the IDE


George Shubin

I wanted to start learning ASP.Net programming, so I downloaded the IBuySpy
Portal and Store VSVB examples from GotDotNet and installed them on my
computer (Win2000, IIS, MSDE). I got them to run from IE as a local web
app, but when I go into VS.Net 2003 Enterprise and try to run the
application from within the IDE I get an error that states:

"Unable to create Internet Information Services Administrative object for
server Unable to set server into correct debugging state automatically.
You may not be able to debug ASP pages. Do you want to continue launching
the debugger? Yes/No/Help"

The help says:
"The debugger requires that the IIS application to be debugged be run
out-of-process. This error indicates that the debugger was unable to change
an in-process IIS application to run out-of-process. As a solution, use the
IIS management utility (MMC) to set the application to run out-of-process
before starting the debugger. Currently, your options are set to enable
server debugging automatically when you start the debugger. Choose No if you
want to maintain these option settings. Choose Yes if you want to turn off
these options. In the latter case, you should set debugger options manually
for your IIS applications to be able to debug server script. "

I went into the IIS Management plug-in and for the life of me I can't find
where the help is talking about. Lots of help that one is!

I thought maybe I didn't configure the apps correctly or something, so I
thought I'd try something simpler, the QuickStart apps that come with the
Framework SDK. No success. Same message.

So I tried something even more simple, a plain vanilla one page empty web
app. Still no happiness.

What's up? Why can't I run and debug ASP.Net applications?

Thanks for any ideas.


George Shubin

Thanks, but I have already seen that article and it doesn't address the
error message I'm getting. Interestingly, I can run the Web App from the
IDE via Ctrl-F5. Just plain F5 produces the error. It seems debugging is
the bug!


George Shubin

Yes, it is. I did discover something curious, though in the IIS Management

As soon as I attempt running the app and get the error message, the virtual
directory goes back to its former status and I have to click the Create
button again. It seems any changes from within VS's IDE to any file in the
project requires me to make sure the Create button get clicked. The little
icon of the virtual directory changes from the worldwideweb icon to a yellow
folder icon. Clicking Create changes it back to the worldwideweb icon.

As long as the directory's icon is set to the worldwideweb I can run the app
via Ctrl-F5. This doesn't institute any debugging and I can press Ctrl-F5
all day long and it will work. But once just F5 is pressed to run with
debugging, I get my error and the virtual directory icon is changed to the
yellow folder. At that point I can't press Ctrl-F5 without getting a
different error that is remedied by clicking the Create button.

Thanks for trying to help.


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