Can't Right click in IE6



Can anyone please help me???!!!

I can't seem to right click anywhere in IE. Links, pics,
text, and blank space when right clicked on fails to
bring up the right click menu.

Right clicking still works in other programs and on the

I've tried re-installing IE6 but to no avail.

Curiously I can't seem to bring up the Help - About
dialog box either.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



I am having the same problem. Found a solution yet?
Please email me at (e-mail address removed)


Robert Aldwinckle

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Always disclose your OS when you ask for help.

If your OS is not NT5 do an IE Repair (ref KB194177)

Otherwise do the regsvr32 commands listed here: KB831429

If you're lucky just doing this may be enough (any OS):

regsvr32 /i shdocvw.dll

Note: I suggest closing at least all IE and OE windows before doing
the regsvr32 commands. A full repair results in a reboot.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle

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