can't replicate database



I'm trying to replicate my database. I follow: Tools > Replication > Create
Replica. I'm prompted to create a backup. During the backup process I receive
a "Can't Replicate Database - Table tblProfiles has too many indexes."

I don't understand this. tblProfiles has 32 indexes which is the maximum
allowable. How can I possibly have too many?


Douglas J Steele

Access can create indexes on its own that don't show up in the list through
Table Design. For example, if you create a relationship, Access will index
the fields involved, even if you already have an index defined.

Try going through the Indexes collection for the table to see what you've
really got:

Sub ListIndexes(TableName As String)
Dim dbCurr As DAO.Database
Dim tdfCurr As DAO.TableDef
Dim idxCurr As DAO.Index
Dim fldCurr As DAO.Field

Set dbCurr = CurrentDb()
Set tdfCurr = dbCurr.TableDefs(TableName)
For Each idxCurr In tdfCurr.Indexes
Debug.Print idxCurr.Name
For Each fldCurr In idxCurr.Fields
Debug.Print " " & fldCurr.Name
Next fldCurr
Next idxCurr

Set tdfCurr = Nothing
Set dbCurr = Nothing

End Sub


Thanks, Doug. This makes sense, however, I'm not familiar with the Indexes
collection. I can't seem to find anything in help, either.

I'm a little lost. Where/how do I use the code you provided?


Douglas J. Steele

Just copy it into a module, then, in the Immediate Window, type

ListIndexes "NameOfTable"

The indexes will be printed below it.


Hi, Doug.

I've tried this but I'm getting a compile error of user defined type not
defined. I've placed >< around the code that the debugger points to:

Sub ListIndexes(tblProfiles)
Dim >dbCurr As DAO.Database<
Dim tdfCurr As DAO.TableDef
Dim idxCurr As DAO.Index
Dim fldCurr As DAO.Field

Set dbCurr = CurrentDb()
Set tdfCurr = dbCurr.TableDefs(tblProfiles)
For Each idxCurr In tdfCurr.Indexes
Debug.Print idxCurr.Name
For Each fldCurr In idxCurr.Fields
Debug.Print " " & fldCurr.Name
Next fldCurr
Next idxCurr

Set tdfCurr = Nothing
Set dbCurr = Nothing

Not sure how to correct this. Any direction you have is appreciated - thanks!

Douglas J. Steele

You must be using Access 2000 or 2002. Database is a DAO object. By default,
Access 2000 and 2002 use ADO.

With any code module open, select Tools | References from the menu bar,
scroll through the list of available references until you find the one for
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library, and select it.


That was the issue. I'm using 2002. The code returns:

ListIndexes "tblProfiles"

This seems OK to me. Am I maybe missing something?

Douglas J. Steele

Looks okay to me as well.

What's the exact error message you're getting? I did a search using the
exact phrase Can't Replicate Database at and
got no hits.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

JohnLute said:
That was the issue. I'm using 2002. The code returns:

ListIndexes "tblProfiles"

This seems OK to me. Am I maybe missing something?


Sorry for the delayed response, Doug. My computer took a dive and I'm in the
middle of getting it repaired.

The exact error message occurs during the conversion to design master:
Microsoft Access can't convert the database to a Design Master.

Cannot make tblProfiles table replicable - too many indexes.

Clicking on help returns:
Cannot make the <name> table replicable - too many indexes. (Error 3706)
The table cannot be made replicable because replication system indexes
cannot be added. Adding these indexes would exceed the maximum index limit.

I guess the replication process wants to create another index to that table
and it already has 32...?


Douglas J. Steele said:
Looks okay to me as well.

What's the exact error message you're getting? I did a search using the
exact phrase Can't Replicate Database at and
got no hits.

Douglas J. Steele

I thought that when you ran the VBA code I gave you, it indicated that there
was only one query though: that's what I'm having trouble understanding.

There's actually a newsgroup specifically for replication
(microsoft.public.access.replication). I don't know, however, whether it's
accessible through the web interface to these newsgroups, as I never use the
web interface.

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