Cant reload operating system



Due to a virus I had to reformat hard drive. I have XP
home edition upgrade version as I upgraded from 98. I
had problem during the reload and had to start over. Now
it wont load because it does not see the previous
operating system there and it says I cant load upgrade
disk on machine without previous operating system? what
do I do?


Put in your win98 cd when it asks for it. If you don't have one, then borrow
one or else you have to buy the full version of xp. You need some qualifying
media, either a win98 cd or win98 on the drive.


I assume since you just reformatted that you have saved
your data. If not you need to find a way to do that first.

See this:

You can put the XP disc in the optical drive and start
over. You'll have to set the BIOS to boot from the CD-ROM
drive and re-start.

It will ask you at some point to "see" the qualifying disc
for the upgrade. Put the Win98 disc in and let it "see"
it. You can also wipe out the partition that's already on
the drive (if you want to) and install XP from "scratch".

Good Luck !


-----Original Message-----
Put in your win98 cd when it asks for it. If you don't have one, then borrow
one or else you have to buy the full version of xp. You need some qualifying
media, either a win98 cd or win98 on the drive.
Try going into BIOS. Change the order in which the
computer looks at disks. Change it so it looks at the cd-
rom first! Put in your XP disk and do setup. it might
want to reformat- fine do it. it will then load. At some
point it will ask you for a previous version of Windows
to prove that you have/had one. Put in that disk whether
it's 98, 98SE, ME, etc. Hit enter. When prompted change
the CD back to the XP one. It might ask again later
dunno. Once XP is reloaded you can go back into BIOS
(CMOS) and change the order of "look" back to how you had
it before. Bob


Jeff said:
Due to a virus I had to reformat hard drive. I have XP
home edition upgrade version as I upgraded from 98. I
had problem during the reload and had to start over. Now
it wont load because it does not see the previous
operating system there and it says I cant load upgrade
disk on machine without previous operating system? what
do I do?

Do as Phil says to do.

Alex Nichol

Jeff said:
Due to a virus I had to reformat hard drive. I have XP
home edition upgrade version as I upgraded from 98. I
had problem during the reload and had to start over. Now
it wont load because it does not see the previous
operating system there and it says I cant load upgrade
disk on machine without previous operating system?

If you have a regular Retail 98 CD you should be able to boot the XP
one, start off Setup, after the license agreement take New Install. It
will come up looking hurt asking where Windows is. At that point put
the 98 CD in the drive and point at that. Once it has checked you will
get a blue screen asking for a CD - put the XP one back and carry on.

Or if your 98 CD is some 'restore/recovery' one you may have to restore
with it and then run the XP Upgrade again from it

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