Cant read graphic files



Have new IBM PC that Mfg had to replace HDD. Trying to get everything back on HDD as it was. All seems to be ok, but cant view ANY graphic files. There was a Viewer on the new HDD after restored info to the drive, but installed Irfanview as another source. Cant find the original viewer(even after search).

Try to View files in Doc's& Settings/My User file/Local Settings/Temporary Internet Files. Already reset to view hidden files and folders. Try to use Irfanview to view all the files and get an error msg. ((Running a system command on this item might be unsafe. Do you wish to continue? Yes/No.))

Didnt have this problem on old HDD. What can I do to view the files? The microsoft viewer only had capability to view files one at a time. Irfanview allows you to view files in order w/o escaping the viewer. Its a better viewer to search all the files, but the microsoft viewer was a little clearer. If I want to view a jpeg or html file, I cant see it anymore. How do I fix this

What do I do..........HELLLLLLLLLP...........Thanks...



((Running a system command on this item might be
unsafe. Do you wish to continue? Yes/No.))The reason this is coming up is because of the location
of the file. When it is in your TIF folder it is seen as
a system file. This feature was probably disabled on the
last HDD.

If I want to view a jpeg or html file, I cant see it anymore. How do I fix this.

What do I do..........HELLLLLLLLLP...........Thanks....
I'm just wondering what exactly you were searching for.
however, it was probably the windows Picture viewer. When
using XP, this isn't actually an .exe file; rather it's a
dll running as an application. It can be accessed by
typing this command into the File types properties box:
rundll32.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32
\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen %1

If this doesn't work probably the easiest way of fixing
missing dlls and exes, if you can, is if you have the OS
CD handy pop it in ands boot from it. when it boots, go
past the first repair option, press F8 and then select
the second repair option, which replaces all your system
files. Just make sure to go to Windows Update after!

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