cant open excel spreadsheet in netscape 4.79


derek orr

I am a tech with a large company and have recently fought
with the sobig, welchia and blaster virus. There is a
perticular user that is having troubles opening excel
attachments after the fact. Whats happening is when she
receives an email that has an excel attachment, she double
clicks on it and it looks like its going to bring up but
it doesn't. Now, I have re-installed the Netscape 4.79
because that is what this company is using as an email
service. I can use this users excel to do worksheets and
I'm able to send them to other people, but I'm not able to
view attachments or save them. I have recently installed
the 2 security patches and upgraded her to Service Pack 2
for Windows 2000. Can you help me out, please?? Weird
problem, but it could be an easy fix, maybe I'm
overlooking something...Thanks..

Lady Layla

Save it to the HD and then open it from there?

: I am a tech with a large company and have recently fought
: with the sobig, welchia and blaster virus. There is a
: perticular user that is having troubles opening excel
: attachments after the fact. Whats happening is when she
: receives an email that has an excel attachment, she double
: clicks on it and it looks like its going to bring up but
: it doesn't. Now, I have re-installed the Netscape 4.79
: because that is what this company is using as an email
: service. I can use this users excel to do worksheets and
: I'm able to send them to other people, but I'm not able to
: view attachments or save them. I have recently installed
: the 2 security patches and upgraded her to Service Pack 2
: for Windows 2000. Can you help me out, please?? Weird
: problem, but it could be an easy fix, maybe I'm
: overlooking something...Thanks..

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