Can't log on properly



I keep getting the message 'Windows was unable to load the registry.' Event
ID: 1508.
DETAIL: An I/O operation initiated by the registry failed unrecoverably. The
registry could not read in, write out, or flush, one of the files that
contain the systems image of the registry for c/ Documents and

It logs me on but I have none of my settings.Please can someone help?


Thanks Patti,
I tried both. copied documents and settings of old user name into new
documents and settings, but it won't let me see my old documents & picture
stc, says it cant locate them.
The other one hasen't worked either. When I log on as my old user its
stopped displaying the error message but my whole computer has changed I
can't get any of my original documents or settings. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. I don't
know what to do!

Patti MacLeod

You're welcome, linsey :)

Assuming that you have not yet deleted the old user name profile, and that
the old documents and pictures were saved to the My Documents and My
Pictures folders, log onto the new user profile and navigate to:
C:\Documents and Settings\linsey\My Documents
If your old documents are still stored there, try copy/pasting them to
C:\Documents and Settings\<new user profile name>\My Documents
Do the same as above for your pictures, which, if previously saved to the My
Pictures folder, would be in:
C:\Documents and Settings\linsey\My Documents\My Pictures

If, for some odd reason, you receive an Access Denied message when
attempting to access your old user name profile's My Documents or My
Pictures folders, follow the instructions in this MSKB article in order to
take ownership of those folders:


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