Can't insert mailing address w/out country



When I insert an address from the Contacts list, how do I get it to leave out
the 'Country' field? Right now, whenever I write a letter, I have to go back
and delete "United States" from the address

Graham Mayor

See the use of macrobutton fields to insert addresses from Outlook and substitute the following code for
that produced there.

Public Sub InsertAddressFromOutlook()
Dim strCode, strAddress As String
Dim iDoubleCR As Integer

'Set up the formatting codes in strCode
strCode = "<PR_DISPLAY_NAME>" & vbCr
strCode = strCode & "<PR_COMPANY_NAME>" & vbCr
strCode = strCode & "<PR_STREET ADDRESS>" & vbCr
strCode = strCode & "<PR_LOCALITY>, <PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE>" _
< PR_POSTAL_CODE > " & vbCr"
strCode = strCode & "<PR COUNTRY>" & vbCr

'Let the user choose the name in Outlook
strAddress = Application.GetAddress _
("", strCode, False, 1, , , True, True)
'Strip away the final "United States of America", if any
If Right(strAddress, 25) = "United States of America" & vbCr Then
strAddress = Left(strAddress, Len(strAddress) - 25)
End If

'Eliminate blank lines by looking for two carriage returns in a row
iDoubleCR = InStr(strAddress, vbCr & vbCr)
While iDoubleCR <> 0
strAddress = Left(strAddress, iDoubleCR - 1) _
& Mid(strAddress, iDoubleCR + 1)
iDoubleCR = InStr(strAddress, vbCr & vbCr)

'Insert the modified address at the current insertion point
Selection.TypeText strAddress
End Sub

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Graham Mayor

Also try the following:

Copy the following exactly and save as an autotext entry called
AddressLayout (all one word)


(note the curly brackets are not field boundaries, but are typed from the

The variety of fields you can use in this manner are listed in the m
acrobutton article in my other post.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site

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