Can't get Workbook_Open event to work


M Smith

Newbie question. I'm having a problem in Excel trying to get the
Workbook_open event to fire. I have opened up a the Visual Basic Editor
from Excel and from the Project Explorer, under VBAProject (Book2.xls), I
clicked on ThisWorkbook. This is the code I want to fire...

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
MsgBox "Hello, today's date is " & Format(Date, "ddd d mmm yyyy")
End Sub

After I save it and close Excel, I open up the Book2.xls again and no
message box is displayed. What am I doing wrong.

I'm using Excel 2000 SR-1 on Windows 2000.



you'll need to check that your security settings are set to medium (or
lower - however, not recommended) - tools / macro / security and then choose
enable macros if prompted.


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