Can't get line number or compiler error on exception?


Eric Gibson


I want to be able to get a sensible exception message that I can actually use to
fix my code using I was able to set up the Application_Error event, and
email exceptions to myself, but they only include "Message" and "StackTrace"...
Every email I've gotten includes no information about the error in a way that would
help me fix it.

I've tried using "GetBaseException", and "InnerException"... But all I get are
emails like this:

Error Caught in Application_Error event
Error in:
Error Message: External component has thrown an exception.
Stack Trace: at
System.Web.Compilation.BaseCompiler.ThrowIfCompilerErrors(CompilerResults results,
CodeDomProvider codeProvider, CodeCompileUnit sourceData, String sourceFile, String
at System.Web.Compilation.BaseCompiler.GetCompiledType()
at System.Web.UI.PageParser.CompileIntoType()
at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.GetParserCacheItemThroughCompilation()

No line numbers, no descriptions of the errors, nothing. Is there something in this
message that I can parse out, to find the actual error message? Where do the
compiler error messages that I get when I'm working on the code come from, and how
can I access them? I've tried using the "ASPError" object in IIS, but it returns all
empty values when I transfer from an page.



Eric Gibson

Eric said:

I want to be able to get a sensible exception message that I can
actually use to fix my code using

I spoke too soon... It just hit me why can't produce line number/compiler
messages like ASP. Because it's not interpreted like ASP, it's compiled... So
obviously I can't get compiler messages, if it's already compiled into executable

I'll just have to dump all the contents of the collections/variables and try to
reproduce the error...


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