Can't get advanced support...



NO! Why does this always happen to me! I have this major
problem that I need to fix (need a real specialist on this
one, so I'm trying to contact through support) but in
order to do that, I need to get my PID from that computer,
but here's the problem... I need to start up my computer
to get that, and guess what... I CAN'T START UP MY
COMPUTER!!! Isn't there any way I can find the PID? I
really need help, because I can't start up my computer in
safe mode nor can I repair it with the OS disk... PLEASE

Hilary Karp

You need to supply alot more information. What type of computer, amount
of ram, disk storage, operating system? When did the problem start?
Did you update drivers or load a program? Do you have a retail copy of
XP or OEM? Help us help you:

Making Good Newsgroup Posts

Ross Durie

If your computer is in such a state that it will not even boot from the CD
then the problem is hardware related and a product ID isn't going to help

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