Can't get a working collection!



I want to store data pertaining to a widget in a collection. The widget has
many pproperties, so i created the following class and called it

Public Class clsWatchProperties

Private mTopicID As Integer

Private mLastPos As Integer

Private mThisPos As Integer

Private mCancelThisItem As Boolean

Private mHasNewReply As Boolean

Public Property TopicID() As Integer


TopicID = mTopicID

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

mTopicID = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property LastPos() As Integer


LastPos = mLastPos

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

mLastPos = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property ThisPos() As Integer


ThisPos = mThisPos

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

mThisPos = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property CancelThisItem() As Boolean


CancelThisItem = mCancelThisItem

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)

mCancelThisItem = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property HasNewReply() As Boolean


HasNewReply = mHasNewReply

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)

mHasNewReply = Value

End Set

End Property

End Class

I then (attempted to) create the collection using the following code:

Private WatchedTopics As New Collection


Sub Test


Dim WatchTopic As New clsWatchProperties

GetData = CleanString(mLink.ToString, CleanupHTML.ID) ' Retrieves
a 5 digit number which is in a string format

Debug.WriteLine("ID: " & GetData)

If Not FindIfExists(GetData, RowCounter) Then ' This line simply
checks if the object exists in the collection. True is returned if it does.

WatchTopic.TopicID = GetData

WatchTopic.LastPos = RowCounter

WatchTopic.HasNewReply = False


ThisItemIsUpdated = True

End If

If WatchedTopics.Item(GetData).HasNewReply Then


End If

I want my collection to look like this:

WatchedTopics("01234").LastPos = 100
WatchedTopics("04321").HasNewReply = False
WatchedTopics("09876").CancelThisItem = True

What I'm ACTUALLY getting is:

- WatchedTopics {Length=1} Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection
(0) "Empty placeholder to adjust for 1 based array" String
- (1) {Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection.KeyValuePair}
- Key "107348" {String} Object
String "107348" String
- Value {rnsVBCityForumListener.clsWatchProperties} Object
- [rnsVBCityForumListener.clsWatchProperties]
CancelThisItem False Boolean
HasNewReply False Boolean
LastPos 1 Integer
mCancelThisItem False Boolean
mHasNewReply False Boolean
mLastPos 1 Integer
mThisPos 0 Integer
mTopicID 107348 Integer
ThisPos 0 Integer
TopicID 107348 Integer

(This is a copy and paste of the WatchTopics variable and its structure as
seen in the Watch window)

I think I have stuffed up in my code somewhere but can't figger out where.
Please help me.

Cor Ligthert [MVP]


Unlucky enough is the Visual.Basic collection not placed in the VisualBasic
compatible namespace however in the normal namespace. This means that it is
still active. However it is not the nicest collection to use, by instance
does it starts at First as indexer and gives therefore a lot of
complications. This is probably one of the reason that it is seldom used by
visitors/repliers from this newsgroup.

Have a look at all the collections that implement Ilist or/and Icollection
or those that are in System.Data

As a second advice. Past in your samples first in a notebook copy them back
and than again in a message. You will see that you get more good answers
because your problems become readable.

I hope this helps,


Ken Tucker [MVP]


You might be better off using a hashtable instead of a

I want to store data pertaining to a widget in a collection. The widget has
many pproperties, so i created the following class and called it

Public Class clsWatchProperties

Private mTopicID As Integer

Private mLastPos As Integer

Private mThisPos As Integer

Private mCancelThisItem As Boolean

Private mHasNewReply As Boolean

Public Property TopicID() As Integer


TopicID = mTopicID

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

mTopicID = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property LastPos() As Integer


LastPos = mLastPos

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

mLastPos = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property ThisPos() As Integer


ThisPos = mThisPos

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

mThisPos = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property CancelThisItem() As Boolean


CancelThisItem = mCancelThisItem

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)

mCancelThisItem = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property HasNewReply() As Boolean


HasNewReply = mHasNewReply

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)

mHasNewReply = Value

End Set

End Property

End Class

I then (attempted to) create the collection using the following code:

Private WatchedTopics As New Collection


Sub Test


Dim WatchTopic As New clsWatchProperties

GetData = CleanString(mLink.ToString, CleanupHTML.ID) ' Retrieves
a 5 digit number which is in a string format

Debug.WriteLine("ID: " & GetData)

If Not FindIfExists(GetData, RowCounter) Then ' This line simply
checks if the object exists in the collection. True is returned if it does.

WatchTopic.TopicID = GetData

WatchTopic.LastPos = RowCounter

WatchTopic.HasNewReply = False


ThisItemIsUpdated = True

End If

If WatchedTopics.Item(GetData).HasNewReply Then


End If

I want my collection to look like this:

WatchedTopics("01234").LastPos = 100
WatchedTopics("04321").HasNewReply = False
WatchedTopics("09876").CancelThisItem = True

What I'm ACTUALLY getting is:

- WatchedTopics {Length=1} Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection
(0) "Empty placeholder to adjust for 1 based array" String
- (1) {Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection.KeyValuePair}
- Key "107348" {String} Object
String "107348" String
- Value {rnsVBCityForumListener.clsWatchProperties} Object
- [rnsVBCityForumListener.clsWatchProperties]
CancelThisItem False Boolean
HasNewReply False Boolean
LastPos 1 Integer
mCancelThisItem False Boolean
mHasNewReply False Boolean
mLastPos 1 Integer
mThisPos 0 Integer
mTopicID 107348 Integer
ThisPos 0 Integer
TopicID 107348 Integer

(This is a copy and paste of the WatchTopics variable and its structure as
seen in the Watch window)

I think I have stuffed up in my code somewhere but can't figger out where.
Please help me.


Below is the best example that I've seen on using a collection class...I got
it from someone on this newsgroup:

Public Class rectangle_Collection
Inherits CollectionBase
#Region "Property interface"
Public Shadows Property item(ByVal iIndex As Integer) As Rectangle
If ((Count = 0) OrElse ((iIndex < 0) And (iIndex > (Count -
1)))) Then
Return (Nothing)
Return (CType(innerlist.Item(iIndex), Rectangle))
End if
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Rectangle)
If ((Count = 0) OrElse ((iIndex < 0) And (iIndex > (Count -
1)))) Then
innerlist.Item(iIndex) = Value
End If
End Set
End Property

#End Region

#Region "Public methods"

Public Function add(ByVal iRectangle As Rectangle) As Integer
Return innerlist.Add(iRectangle)
End Function

Public Sub addRange(ByVal iRectangle() As Rectangle)
Call innerlist.AddRange(iRectangle)
End Sub

Public Sub addRange(ByVal iRectangleCollection As rectangle_Collection)
Call innerlist.AddRange(iRectangleCollection)
End Sub

Public Function contains(ByVal iRectangle As Rectangle) As Boolean
Return (innerlist.Contains(iRectangle))
End Function

Public Function indexOf(ByVal iRectangle As Rectangle) As Integer
Return (innerlist.IndexOf(iRectangle))
End Function

Public Sub insert(ByVal iIndex As Integer, ByVal iRectangle As
Call innerlist.Insert(iIndex, iRectangle)
End Sub

Public Sub insertRange(ByVal iIndex As Integer, ByVal iRectangle() As
Call innerlist.InsertRange(iIndex, iRectangle)
End Sub

Public Sub insertRange(ByVal iIndex As Integer, ByVal
iRectangleCollection As rectangle_Collection)
Call innerlist.InsertRange(iIndex, iRectangleCollection)
End Sub

Public Function lastIndexOf(ByVal iRectangle As Rectangle) As Integer
Return (innerlist.LastIndexOf(iRectangle))
End Function

Public Sub remove(ByVal iRectangle As Rectangle)
Call innerlist.Remove(iRectangle)
End Sub

Public Sub Sort()
End Sub

NOTE: To Trim the Collection:
Public Sub TrimResults(ByVal iElementsToKeep As Integer)
Dim myArray(iElementsToKeep-1) As clsMyClass
MyBase.InnerList.CopyTo(0, myArray, 0, iElementsToKeep)
MyBase.InnerList.SetRange(0, myArray)
End Sub

#End Region
End Class

Dennis in Houston

Ken Tucker said:

You might be better off using a hashtable instead of a

I want to store data pertaining to a widget in a collection. The widget has
many pproperties, so i created the following class and called it

Public Class clsWatchProperties

Private mTopicID As Integer

Private mLastPos As Integer

Private mThisPos As Integer

Private mCancelThisItem As Boolean

Private mHasNewReply As Boolean

Public Property TopicID() As Integer


TopicID = mTopicID

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

mTopicID = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property LastPos() As Integer


LastPos = mLastPos

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

mLastPos = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property ThisPos() As Integer


ThisPos = mThisPos

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

mThisPos = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property CancelThisItem() As Boolean


CancelThisItem = mCancelThisItem

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)

mCancelThisItem = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property HasNewReply() As Boolean


HasNewReply = mHasNewReply

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)

mHasNewReply = Value

End Set

End Property

End Class

I then (attempted to) create the collection using the following code:

Private WatchedTopics As New Collection


Sub Test


Dim WatchTopic As New clsWatchProperties

GetData = CleanString(mLink.ToString, CleanupHTML.ID) ' Retrieves
a 5 digit number which is in a string format

Debug.WriteLine("ID: " & GetData)

If Not FindIfExists(GetData, RowCounter) Then ' This line simply
checks if the object exists in the collection. True is returned if it does.

WatchTopic.TopicID = GetData

WatchTopic.LastPos = RowCounter

WatchTopic.HasNewReply = False


ThisItemIsUpdated = True

End If

If WatchedTopics.Item(GetData).HasNewReply Then


End If

I want my collection to look like this:

WatchedTopics("01234").LastPos = 100
WatchedTopics("04321").HasNewReply = False
WatchedTopics("09876").CancelThisItem = True

What I'm ACTUALLY getting is:

- WatchedTopics {Length=1} Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection
(0) "Empty placeholder to adjust for 1 based array" String
- (1) {Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection.KeyValuePair}
- Key "107348" {String} Object
String "107348" String
- Value {rnsVBCityForumListener.clsWatchProperties} Object
- [rnsVBCityForumListener.clsWatchProperties]
CancelThisItem False Boolean
HasNewReply False Boolean
LastPos 1 Integer
mCancelThisItem False Boolean
mHasNewReply False Boolean
mLastPos 1 Integer
mThisPos 0 Integer
mTopicID 107348 Integer
ThisPos 0 Integer
TopicID 107348 Integer

(This is a copy and paste of the WatchTopics variable and its structure as
seen in the Watch window)

I think I have stuffed up in my code somewhere but can't figger out where.
Please help me.

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