cant find macro '.', MS Access 2k error Message



Greetings - some help required please:

I have an intermittent error occurring on an Access 2k form giving the error
message "cant find the macro '.'" although there are no macros on the form.
After much trawling around I believe this may be due to a space being
mis-keyed into one of the event properties of one of the form’s controls but
I have looked at each to no avail.
My question is therefore two fold:

1. If this is due to a space being keyed how do I, in code, step through
each control and it's events looking for it?, or,
2. If it's not a space what else could it be.

The db compacts and repairs and compiles to an MDE and the error appears to
not be linked to any one control or event. Ideally I don’t want to redo the
form or copy the database objects into a new db as there are too many.

Any help gratefully received.




When do you get this error message?

If you get the error when the form open, check the OnLoad, OnOpen, OnCurrent
events of the form, you might have typed something in one of the events and
now it looking for a macro in that name.

If that not the case, check the properties of the objects in the form.


Ofer, thanks for the reply, as stated in my original post the error can be
generated from several objects on the form and I have manulaly checked all
the items. The form opens and works ok but somethimes produces the error
mainly when I use the mouse to step outside the normal tab order but not

Any ideas how I might step through each event for each control would be
gratefully recieved, as would any steer not related to looking for a space.



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