Can't find Macro message



I apogize if there's a double post; first attempt browser said page not
I actually solved that problem by figuring out how to use the
docmd.findrecord. So I was adding and removing controls to try to get the
workflow to look the way I wanted.
The form works as expect, but when I click on the background of the form I
get the following error message: "Operator Maintainer Training Tracker can't
find the macro '.'"
I thought perhaps my code had a stray period somewhere, perhaps from an
incomplete erase in editing, but I've been unable to find it anywhere.
It's unfortunate because the form finally works like I want it to.
Any ideas where the '.' macro might be hiding? (or how I go about getting
rid of it?)


Playing around I think I solved the problem. I had After_Update code to use
the results of a combobox to find a record that contained the line
DoCmd.FindRecord Me.cboLastNameSelector.Value
I deleted the ".Value" part and now the code seems to work...
but I dont undertstand the initial problem or why this fix worked.
The error message would come up specifically when the body of the form was
clicked (and no other time).... So I'd been looking for code that doesn't
exists in the "on Click" or "on Load" events..
If I could somehow prevent Users from clicking the form itself I wouldn't
have needed to fix the code at all. (Of course I found it when I clicked but
not quite on the control... I imagine my users would have the same issue.)
So the problem is solved, but if someone can clue me in to why I had it in
the first place, I'd appreciate it.

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