Can't Find Downloads


Stu Davis

I need to download an Adobe Flash Player update.

In the upper left corner a dialogue box opens up and asks me if I want to
save the file. I click on save and that is the last I see of it. The
dialogue box closes and I have no idea where the file is being saved to.

I have used the search function and it always comes back that it cannot find
the file I requested.

Worse yet, Vista does not give me a choice as to where I want the file

I have drive C: drive D: on the primary HD. I have a drive G: on an external

I never had these type of problems when running XP Home on my previous

I have myself set up as administrator to try to avoid some of the
roadblocks that Vista puts up.

I need some help on how to resolve the above.


Stu Davis


I need to download an Adobe Flash Player update.

In the upper left corner a dialogue box opens up and asks me if I want to
save the file. I click on save and that is the last I see of it. The
dialogue box closes and I have no idea where the file is being saved to.

How - with what - are you downloading the update? Did you find it on
the web and are trying to download it with IE?

Explain what you did/are doing in a little more detail.


Vista may have saved it in a virtual store. Usually there will be a
"Compatibility Files" tab at the top of the window where you svaed it. Select
that and you will find the file.
The virtual store is located C:\Users\your user
name\Appdata\local\Virtualstore. You must show hidden files to see Appdata.

Stu Davis

Well, I have just about decided that I would like XP on this computer in
place of Vista.

Can this be done while saving my Email and program settings?

I have a fresh copy of XP Home not yet registered.

I'm tired of the hassles of Vista Home Premium and would just as soon wait
for the next rendition of Windows.

Stu Davis

Stu Davis

Still fighting with this issue and can't come up with a solution. XP handled
file downloads very nicely including giving you a choice of where you wanted
the downloads to go on your system or external HD.

Using Vista search is also useless; it can never come up with the requested
file info.

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