Cant find aXWebBrowser



I have a windows form 1.1 app and want to try using the web browser conrol
but I can find it to load it. I loaded a reference to the Microsoft.mshtml
lib but I dont see any aXWebBrowser control in the toolbox. can someone
tell me how to get started with this?

Also, one reason I want to try it out is becuase I have to use html help and
everytime I open the help which is made up of frames, IE prevents all the
html pages from loading until I click on allow blocked content from the
warning msg on top. this is very anoying everytime a user wants to view
help. I was hoping that by using this control in a windows app that somehow
I could prevent this block from happing.


Morten Wennevik [C# MVP]

Hi moondaddy,

You don't need a reference to Microsoft.mshtml.

1) Right click on the ToolBox and select Add/Remove Items ...

2) Select the COM tab

3) Locate "Microsoft Web Browser" in the list and check it

4) There should now be a Microsoft Web Browser item in your toolbox.
Simply drag it onto your form. The necessary references to SHDocVw
and AxSHDocVw will be added automatically.

I can't say if this will fix your "blocked content" issue though.

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