i tried to do partition in my primary drive. After I shrink volume, I
get 20gb of unallocated space. But when I start new simple volume
wizard until the final step, I was prompted with error message that "
the operation you selected will convert basic disk to dynamic disk".
When I select yes, operation can not be performed. I cannot format the
drive and thus cannot use the unallocated space. Can anyone suggest to
me how to do partition in windows vista home premium?
get 20gb of unallocated space. But when I start new simple volume
wizard until the final step, I was prompted with error message that "
the operation you selected will convert basic disk to dynamic disk".
When I select yes, operation can not be performed. I cannot format the
drive and thus cannot use the unallocated space. Can anyone suggest to
me how to do partition in windows vista home premium?