Can't delete the Temporary Internet Files Folder



I cannot delete the "Temporary Internet Files Folder"
using the method described here:

When I access the folder using an Administrator account,
there is a folder called "Content IE.5" that I cannot

To avoid these questions ... I am using a seperate
Administrator account from my normal account, and nobody
is logged into the normal account when I am trying to
delete the aforementioned folder (a fact I know because I
am the only user on this computer).

Any idea on what to do next?


Don Varnau

Are you running anything like Norton System Doctor that might be protecting
certain files? (Just a thought.)

And, it probably won't make a difference, but it's usually recommended to
delete the folder one level above Content IE5 (Temporary Internet Files)



Are you running anything like Norton System Doctor that
might be protecting
certain files? (Just a thought.)

And, it probably won't make a difference, but it's usually recommended to
delete the folder one level above Content IE5 (Temporary
Internet Files)

Not running Norton. And *I have been* trying to delete the
folder above Content IE.5.

Any ideas on how to "solve" the problem?


Don Varnau

Sorry if this is also repetitious:

Have you tried every possible solution at
Such as:
- - -
SpyBot Users
You can drag-n-drop your TIF files into the "Secure Shredder"
Click Tools | Secure Shredder, right-click in the right panel
Select: Add to file list, select your TIF location.
Click: "Chop it Away!", close SpyBot and reboot.
Note: a reboot is required to delete the "index.dat"
- - -
Or... try the freeware program
Dr. Delete-,7374516~root=sware~mode=flat



I had a similar problem.

Some files and one folder would not delete. Clicking on properties
for each sometimes would cause an error as if the properties could not
be accessed.

I finally deleted the files by going to the command prompt and
changing directory, "CD", into the afflicted folder. Even then it was
hard to get rid of the files. Eventually a went up to the folder
above the bad folder and used "rd /s ", or remove directory, to get
rid of the parent directory and everything below it.

This is dangerous to do because you have to pay attention. You will
be removing everything in the named directory and everything below it.

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