Can't delete saved messages



There's a bunch of old messages in my mailbox that I can't delete. When I
try to delete them, I get this message: "errors have been detcted in the
mailbox.pst file". However, I've run the Inbox Repair tool several times,
and it doesn't find any errors. All of the problem emails are dated 8/30/06
or earlier; emails I've saved later than this date are fine.

I'm running Windows XP Professional and Office/Outlook 2000.

Brian Tillman

CarolaDubner said:
There's a bunch of old messages in my mailbox that I can't delete.
When I try to delete them, I get this message: "errors have been
detcted in the mailbox.pst file".

Can you permanently delete them (i.e., hold Shift while pressing or clicking
Delete)? Does your Deleted Items folder contain anything currently?


Very interesting, Brian, I never would have thought of that. Yes, I can do a
permanent delete, and it works!! And yes, there are items in my deleted
folder. It's not a perfect solution, but VERY helpful, thank you!

By the way, I tried to do an archive on my "deleted" folder and it ends in
an error. Any ideas on that?


Brian Tillman

CarolaDubner said:
Very interesting, Brian, I never would have thought of that. Yes, I
can do a permanent delete, and it works!! And yes, there are items
in my deleted folder. It's not a perfect solution, but VERY
helpful, thank you!

By the way, I tried to do an archive on my "deleted" folder and it
ends in an error. Any ideas on that?

I suspect there's an issue with the Deleted Items folder. Permanent Delete
bypasses that folder. A Deleted Items folder issue can also explain the
Archive problem. Try permanently deleting some (a good number) of the items
in the Deleted Items folder and see if that helps.


OK, well, I tried to delete some items from the delete folder, and got this
message: "The messaging interface has returned an unknown error. If the
problem persists restart Outlook." So I tried just deleting them one at a
time, and found I can delete anything after 8/29/06 at noon, but nothing
before that date. I delete over 100 messages from the deleted folder, but it
doesn't make any difference.

Do you think it's possible I got some kind of virus on 8/30 that corrupted
all the prior messages, but hasn't touched anything since them?


Brian Tillman

CarolaDubner said:
OK, well, I tried to delete some items from the delete folder, and
got this message: "The messaging interface has returned an unknown
error. If the problem persists restart Outlook." So I tried just
deleting them one at a time, and found I can delete anything after
8/29/06 at noon, but nothing before that date. I delete over 100
messages from the deleted folder, but it doesn't make any difference.

After deleting the messages, compact the PST by right-clicking the root of
your folder list, choosing Properties, clicking Advanced, then Compact Now.
After that, stop Outlook and run the Inbox Reair Tool on mailbox.pst
Do you think it's possible I got some kind of virus on 8/30 that
corrupted all the prior messages, but hasn't touched anything since

Highly unlikely that this is a virus. Is your Outlook installed in
Corporate/Workgroup mode or Internet Mail Only mode? Help>About will tell
you. If the compacting doesn't help, write back and I'll suggest something


Well, I did what you said, but it didn't help. The Compact took only several
seconds, which I thought was suspicious (as if it hadn't really run at all),
and after running the Inbox Reair Tool on mailbox.pst it's still in the same
situation: can't delete message older than 8/29/06. But thanks for showing
me the Compact command, that one's new to me.

To answer your questions, my Outlook is on my home laptop, set up as
Internet Mail Only. I use as my ISP and email provider.

Got anything else in mind?


Brian Tillman

CarolaDubner said:
To answer your questions, my Outlook is on my home laptop, set up as
Internet Mail Only. I use as my ISP and email provider.

Got anything else in mind?

Since you're trying to empty the Deleted Items folder and you cannot, my
next two recommendations bypass it entirely.

First, since you said you can use Permanent Delete successfully, open your
Deleted Items folder, select everything in it with CTRL-A, then, while
holding Shift, press Delete.

If you don't want to do that, then create a new PST with File>New>Personal
Folders file. Browse the the folder where you want it (or accept the
default), give it a file name (or accept the default), and click OK. Give
it a Display Name (or accept the default - but I'd choose a new name) and
click OK. You'll now have another folder set (containing only a new
"Deleted Items" folder) in your folder list. Select the root of this folder
set (it will have the Display Name you gave it), click File>Properties, and
choose the option to deliver new mail to this folder set. Click OK. Stop
and restart Outlook. The new folder set will become Outlook Today,
populated with empty Inbox, Calendar, Contacts, etc. and your old folders
will still be there,

for the default folders, open each old folder in turn (skipping the old
Deleted Items) and select all the items in it with CTRL-A, then click
Edit>Move (or Copy) to Folder, specifying the corresponding folder in the
Outlook Today folder set. For the Calendar, you'll have to choose a table
view like By Category before CTRL-A will select everything.

For any non-default folders (i,.e., ones you created yourself in the old
folder set), you can simply copy the folder itself without having to open it
and copy its contents.

When the copying is complete, you can close the old folder set by
right-clicking its root and choosing Close.

Marcie Berman

I noticed other people have been getting the error "Messaging interface has
returned an unknown error". I can't delete anything from april 08 backwards.
I have tried emptying deteted items folder and using permanent delete. I have
also run repair tool. Nothing works.

Marcie Berman

I just upgraded to Office 2007 and am having the same problem. I am running
Windows XP.

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