Can't call Stored Proc... How to trace Flow of Web Application in VB.NET?




I have a webform which has code behind it and I would like it to
submit the entries in the fields into a sql server db using a stored
procedure. I have a central .vb file in my application that has all the
stored proc calls in it. in the Submit_Click Sub in my form.vb file, I
reference the function in my central .vb file which calls the stored proc.

The problem that I am having is that when I submit my form, it just reloads
the form minus all the values. The form is set to run at server. I would
like to trace my application to see if the form values are actually being
sent to my store proc function. I am new to .NET and I would greatly
appreciate any help.

Thank you kindly,


Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

Either bind each time (not just in 'If Not Page.IsPostBack Then'), or make
sure ViewState is turned on.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!



I tried the System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine command to check my form
values before being sent to the stored procedure, but i don't see any
output still. The form just reloads. Here is my vb code for the
submit_click sub:

Private Sub Submit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles submit.Click
Dim objUpload As ASPUPLOADLib.IUploadManager
objUpload = New ASPUPLOADLib.UploadManager()
Dim objFile As ASPUPLOADLib.IUploadedFile
Dim File, item, ThisType, Size, ID
Dim datapath
If Len(Request.QueryString("fileID")) > 0 Then
ID = Request.QueryString("fileID")
ID = 0
End If
If docType.SelectedItem.Value = "--- Select a Type ---" Then
ThisType = ""
ThisType = docType.SelectedItem.Value
End If

If Request("edit") = "true" Then
Dim UpdateDocRoom As New DocRoomMain()
Dim IsSuccessful As Integer =
UpdateDocRoom.UpdateDocument(ID, Session("projectID"), docDate.Text,
toCompany.Text, toPerson.Text, fromCompany.Text, fromPerson.Text,
subject.Text, reference.Text, ThisType, keywords.Text, filePath.Text,
fileName.Text, docSize.Text)

If IsSuccessful < 1 Then
Response.Write("Update has been unsuccessful")
End If
datapath = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DataPath") &
Session("companyName") & "\" & projectName.Text & "\DocRoom"
objUpload.OverwriteFiles = False
Dim Count As Integer = objUpload.Save(datapath,
Missing.Value, Missing.Value)
If Count > 0 Then
Dim UpdateDocRoom As New DocRoomMain()
For Each objFile In objUpload.Files
File = objFile.ExtractFileName
Size = objFile.Size()
'********** TRACING AREA ****************************
' Test All Form Values
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Company Name: " +

' Call Stored Procedure
Dim IsSuccessful As Integer =
UpdateDocRoom.AddDocument(ID, Session("projectID"), docDate.Text,
toCompany.Text, toPerson.Text, fromCompany.Text, fromPerson.Text,
subject.Text, reference.Text, ThisType, keywords.Text, filePath.Text,
fileName.Text, docSize.Text)

'********** TRACING AREA ****************************

If IsSuccessful < 1 Then
Response.Write("File Not Uploaded. Failure at
Database level. Please Try Again.")
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

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