Can't Boot TO CD



I need to reinstal windows xp , but when i try to do this I get a messgae
saying that the version I am trying to install is older than the version on
the computer.I know this and this is fine. It then tells me to reboot from
the cd drive and the installation will start them. I have tried this, but the
computer will not boot to the cd drive. I have looked in the setup options
and I can't see an option for booting to the cd.The computer is an older TING
model. Can anyone please help.



You can change the priority in the BIOS. The "Delete" button while booting
should put you on the BIOS screen. There is a screen that shows the current
order which probably is A:, C: and then D: which would be the CD. Change the
order so D: becomes the first in line and then at boot it will run the CD .

If you never touched it before be very carefull. Don't change anything but
this order. Anything else will damage your computer. If you have never
touched the BIOS it might be safer to find someone else to do this for you.



Hi FrankV

Thanks for the feedback. I have tried to chace the boot sequence and
although successful the computer is still not booting to the cd rom drive.any
other suggestions?



My CD is a re-install, not a complete install. It has two options, The first
is to fix the current windows but then it says the same as you are seeing.
What I have to do is use the other option which completely reinstalls
windows with the old version. Then I have to do all the updates ( about 70
updates). I just did this a few weeks ago and the only thing it affected was
the Microsoft Office Package which I had to reinstall. All the other
installed programs were not touched.


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